Agenda item

Items for information






2016/17 Budget – Catherine Peters

CP stated that the 2016/17 budget had been submitted to the DfE with no changes since presented at February. In year changes however, will take place for things like school expansions etc.


An update to the DSG is expected in June 2016 and will be reported to the Schools Forum in July 2016.



Growth funding for new school places in Barnet – Val White

VW introduced the paper on school places and growth funding. The report summarises expenditure in 15/16 and 16/17 and projects growth costs going forward. This includes bulge classes planned from September 2016.


In relation to the current provision of places for September 2016, VW explained that at the time of the meeting, it was anticipated that sufficient places would be available in 2016, with Ashmole Academy’s new free school opening and bulge classes being offered at a number of schools. Late applications will continue to be received and if necessary, additional bulge classes would be arranged. She updated the meeting on the plans for the opening of the new Ark Pioneer school at the Underhill Stadium site in 2018 and a new 3 form entry school being planned at the Peel Centre. Feasibility studies were being carried out to progress potential expansions at St Agnes and Childs Hill.


EP queried how many Barnet parents had been offered places out of borough and stated she had been approached by upset parents. VW confirmed that some had received offers from Enfield, adding that local authorities work together to ensure all children are offered a place, working across borough boundaries.


JD asked what the spread of Fair Access places was between schools. VW said records were kept on this and informed decision making.


VW said that although there had been some spare capacity in secondary schools in the last few years, it is decreasing year-on-year. VW referred to Table 1 that shows the forecast for the number of new secondary school places required and said that Barnet are planning to meet the lower forecast. The aim is to have at least an extra 20 forms of entry by 2020/21. She added that an annual update to the GLA projections for future secondary demand arrived in the council on the day of the meeting and so had not yet been analysed.


VW explained that the buildings of new free schools are funded by the central government. The alternative route would be for Barnet to offer land and school proposers can compete to open a school there and in these circumstances Barnet would fund the construction.


VW said that SMSJ is expanding to provide an additional 2 forms of secondary entry; St James is also expanding as part of a project for Blessed Dominic to move onto St James’ site. A number of other secondary schools had recently contacted the council to explore the potential of expanding, driven by budgetary pressure. However, Barnet would not be commissioning any more expansions until seeing the outcome of free school applications. The council has been notified of four free school applications to open mainstream secondary provision in Barnet in the latest wave of free school applications. Three of the proposals are in the public domain – Saracens, Compton and Avanti.  Overall the need in Barnet to the end of the decade could be met through the planned expansions and two of the free school applications being successful. If there are likely to be too many secondary school places, Barnet will make representations to the DfE.


GK asked what the timescale for the new school openings would be. VW said the earliest would open in September 2018 but that there would be different times for each school and some will open later.