Agenda item

Adult Social Care Commissioning Priorities


The Commissioning Director for Adults and Health, Dawn Wakeling introduced the item which provides an overview of the Adult Social Care Commissioning Priorities and highlights the opportunities and challenges for adult social care.


Ms Wakeling highlighted the challenge faced in respect of an increasing elderly population, a higher demand for services and the resources available. The Board also heard about the importance of closer working between local NHS partners and the Council to achieve the changes required.


The Adults and Health Commissioning Director also briefed the Committee about the increase in the number of referrals to adult and social care via accident and emergency.


Following a query from the Board, Ms Wakeling noted that as part of the Adults Transformation Programme, a work programme has been developed to meet the challenges for the provision of adult social care.


Dr Charlotte Benjamin queried when the consultation around the new mental health enablement model would start. Ms Wakeling stated that consultations had taken place through the Mental Health Partnership Board and with social workers themselves.


Councillor Sachin Rajput, Chairman of the Adults and Safeguarding Committee welcomed the report and noted the scale of the challenges in developing a more sustainable health and social care economy and the need for adequate funding to meet increasing demand as set out in table 1 on page 134 of the agenda.


Ms Shakespeare welcomed the discussion and highlighted the need for partnership working to develop plans towards future sustainability in context of the health and social care economy and in light of lessons learnt from previous years. Ms Shakespeare also highlighted that plans need to be developed over more than one year and that more will be known following the Comprehensive Spending Review.


Following an enquiry from the Board, Ms Wakeling explained that emerging technologies are being explored as part of a consortium of 19 boroughs.

Following discussion and proposals for amendment of recommendation 2,

That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the financial context for the provision of Adult Social Services in Barnet and, in line with national guidance, the need for the Better Care Fund to provide funding for the protection of adult social care in 2016/17. the necessity for negotiations between Barnet CCG and LB of Barnet which take this into account, when determining the arrangements for the Better Care Fund and the protection of adult social care in 2016/17 for agreement by HWBB.

The Board:



1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the Adult Social Care Commissioning Priorities set out in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5.

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the financial context for the provision of Adult Social Services in Barnet and the necessity for negotiations between Barnet CCG and LB of Barnet which take this into account, when determining the arrangements for the Better Care Fund and the protection of adult social care in 2016/17 for agreement by HWBB.

3.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the need for financial sustainability across the health and social care economy in Barnet and endorses the areas highlighted for future joint work as set out in Appendix A of the report.


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