Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2015-20) including Public Health report on activity 2014/15 and the Dementia Manifesto


The Chairman introduced the item which sets out the final version of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWB Strategy) (2015-2020), the production of which was one of the most important responsibilities of the HWB Board. The Chairman highlighted that the JHWB Strategy provides the framework and direction for local commissioning and service planning. She further drew attention to the Joint Foreword included in the Strategy - co-authored by the Vice-Chairman Dr Debbie Frost and herself - which reflected not only the truly joint nature of the Strategy but also the dedication of all partners on the HWB Board to its implementation.


It was noted that the Strategy has been informed by virtue of the feedback received during the public consultation period which took place from 17 September 2015 to 25 October 2015. 


Both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman commended the contributions that all partners together with the voluntary and community sector groups and local residents have made towards the development of the JHWB Strategy which has been informed by the JSNA, in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for residents in Barnet.


Dr Andrew Howe was welcomed by the Chairman to make comments. Dr Howe thanked Zoë Garbett and Dawn Wakeling for their work on the Strategy. Dr Howe highlighted the continuity with the previous version of the Strategy and the focus on prevention and mental health being a thread throughout the Strategy. Dr Howe also noted that the Annual Report from Public Health (2014/15) is included as an appendix to the report.


The Board heard about the prevention and early intervention to slow the progress of further development of diseases as well as increasing individual responsibility and building resilience to improve health and wellbeing.  Dawn Wakeling, Commissioning Director for Adults and Health informed the Board that a further update report will be brought to the Board in January with details of the implementation plan.


Following an enquiry from the Board, the Chairman welcomed Judy Mace, Head of Joint Children’s Commissioning for Barnet CCG and LBB, who explained how data is being shared between health and early intervention settings.  The Board heard about the data sharing difficulties encountered, particularly in relation to outreach work for vulnerable adults and children.

Ms Mace emphasised the importance of formalising the process towards data sharing. Chris Munday, Commissioning Director for Children and Young People, informed the Board that the discussion around data sharing will be taken forward outside of the meeting with partners.


Having highlighted the commitment in the Strategy to improve mental health across all age groups from pregnancy to later life, the Chairman introduced the Dementia Manifesto for Barnet, the first such manifesto to be developed by a London Borough. The Board noted Barnet’s Dementia Manifesto and Public Health’s Annual Report as appendices to the report. The Dementia Manifesto for Barnet has been developed as a result of increasing concerns about the number of people living with dementia in Barnet and across the Country and the devastating effects this can have both on sufferers and their families.

Ms Wakeling explained that the Manifesto has been produced by the Joint Commissioning team and reflects the good progress that has made, particularly in diagnosing dementia and in the development of the pathway. Ms Wakeling mentioned the clear commitment from the CCG to increase diagnosis rates and noted the vision set out in the Dementia Manifesto for the people of Barnet.


The Chairman noted that following approval of the Board, Barnet’s Dementia Manifesto will be developed and published as an online tool and that a further implementation plan will be developed with partners and stakeholders.



  1. That the Health and Wellbeing Board approves the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2015-2020, appendix 1) for wider circulation including publication on the websites of partner organisations.

  2. That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes that the Finance Planning Sub-Group will develop an implementation plan for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and this will be presented to the Board in January 2016.

  3. That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the progress made by Public Health during 2014/15 (appendix 4).

  4. That the Health and Wellbeing Board approves the Dementia Manifesto for Barnet (appendix 3).



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