Agenda item

Land to the rear of 71 Holden Road, North Finchley


The Committee considered the report.


Peter Murphy from HGS addressed the committee in relation to this item Members asked questions which were then answered by Peter Murphy.


Councillor Cooke moved a motion that was duly seconded,


1.    The committee notes that in pre-application advice to the applicant of the associated planning application (that became 15/04857/FUL) planning officers noted that the applicant wished to remove a protected tree from the private part of the site and stated "In order for the proposed scheme to be acceptable, clear justification must be made that: 1) The additional benefit delivered by the scheme in terms of the upkeep of the woodland would outweigh the removal of the TPO".


2.    The committee considers that its power as land-owner granting a lease is stronger than any conditions that may be attached via the planning process and therefore stipulates that it approves the granting of a two year call option to HGS Properties (Brookdene Holden Road Ltd) to purchase land at the rear of 71 Holden Road on a 150 year lease subject to planning and a tree maintenance plan and continuous public access to the land subject to

1.    no lease be granted on a strip of land including at least all of the land designated as Metropolitan Open Space and a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and all of the 8 metre zone specified by the Environment Agency to protect Dollis Brook and its banks;

2.    no barrier be erected at any time on the boundary between the leased land and adjacent Council-owned land;

3.    subject to agreement with the Environment Agency a wheelchair-accessible footbridge over Dollis Brook be provided by the lessee to afford public access to the leased land either directly to the non-leased part of the site or via adjacent Council-owned land;

4.    a wheelchair-accessible path be provided at lessee expense from the footbridge in c) above to and through the non-leased part of the site;

5.    the leased woodland be managed at lessee expense according to a plan agreed with both the Council and a suitable local wildlife group such as the Barnet Group of the London Wildlife Trust;

6.    the non-leased woodland part of the site (adjacent to Dollis Brook) be managed at lessee expense according to the plan in e) above except that any requirements of the Environment Agency must be met.


3.    Authority is delegated to the Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the Chairman of the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee to negotiate and finalise the terms of the Lease (including the 2 year call option) in accordance with the conditions in 2. above.


4.    Officers are instructed to

a)    arrange for a wheelchair-accessible path to be provided on the west side of Dollis Brook to give access to the footbridge coordinating with installation of the footbridge;

b)    investigate the possibility of completing the Dollis Valley Greenwalk between Tillingham Way and the non-leased part of the site including the use of land belonging to Old Finchleians;

c)    investigate sources of funding for b) above including the capital receipt from leasing land at the rear of 71 Holden Road N12, Community Infrastructure Levy and s106 payment from the associated planning permission (if granted) and any available grant aid. That all developments by the council on council owned land should be 100% affordable housing”


Having been put to the vote the Committee voted:


For: 4

Against: 5

Abstain: 0


The motion was therefore lost.


The Chairman moved a motion that was duly seconded


“To include a new recommendation 5 – that a Local Wildlife Group be consulted in the drawing up of the Woodland Management Plan”


Having been put to the vote the Committee voted:


In Favour: 5

Against: 0

Abstain: 4


The motion was therefore carried.


The Chairman moved to the vote. Votes were recorded as follows


In Favour: 5

Against: 0

Abstain: 4


Immediately following the vote Councillor Cooke moved to refer the item to the next practicable meeting of Full Council. The reason given for the request to refer the item was that there had been a lot of opposition to the proposals and there was a need to ensure continuous public access.


·         Councillor Narenthira

·         Councillor Coakley Webb

·         Councillor Cohen


RESOLVED – That having received the requisite number of support for referral, the item will be placed on the agenda for consideration by Full Council.

Supporting documents: