Agenda item

GP / Primary Care Services at Finchley Memorial Hospital - Update Report


The Chairman introduced the report which provided the Committee with an update from NHS England and Barnet CCG on the provision of GP Services or a primary care facility at the Finchley Memorial Hospital site. 


The Committee noted that at their meeting on 20 October 2014, NHS England had provided an update on the status of negotiations of the movement of two GP services into the Finchley Memorial Site and the difficulties that had been faced in relation to the financial aspects of the move. 


Mr. David Riddle, a Member of the Barnet CCG Governing Body advised the Committee that the issue had provided an opportunity to see how the site could work more effectively.  The Committee noted that many of the decisions made about Finchley Memorial Hospital would have been made eight or nine years ago. 


Mr Riddle advised the Committee that whilst the CCG had been disappointed that their original vision had not come to fruition, they were excited about the opportunity to maximise the use of the site. 


Dr. Debbie Frost, the Chair of Barnet CCG, advised the Committee that she expected to see the GP Services / Primary Care landscape change in the future to include a seven day working week and stressed the need to maximise the use of space on site. 


Responding to a question from a Member about the possibility of replicating an Older Person’s Assessment Unit (OPAU) on site, Alan Gavurin, a consultant working on the project, advised the Committee that he hoped that an OPAU would be included. 


A Member questioned who was paying the rent for the void space on site.  Mr. Gavurin advised the Committee that the CCG was paying the rent for the space on site.


A Member questioned if it would be possible to buy the site so that the CCG did not have to continue to pay rent.  Mr. Gavurin advised that the rent arrangement had been made through a quasi-Private Finance Initiative and that it might be possible to draft a business case for the concept. 


A Member suggested that in order to increase the space available on site, the space currently used for the mezzanine could be utilised.


The Committee noted that the project was scheduled to develop a series of initial options for review in April 2015, which would then need appraisal and planning in order to work through the commissioning and costing consequences.  The Committee noted that the intention was to identify agreed options by the summer of 2015, with a view to commencing work on implementing the new models of service. 


Responding to a question from a Member, Dr. Frost advised the Committee that the concept of GPs using the building had not been ruled out and that consideration was being given as to how to most effectively use the space. 


Mr. Gavurin advised the Committee that it was the responsibility of NHS England to commission GP services and that the CCG had been working closely with NHS England to move towards commissioning the care facility. 


Responding to a question from a Member as to the possibility of Community Health Partnerships (CHP), the site landlords refinancing the building, Mr. Gavurin advised that CHP could be requested to do so.


A Member commented on the role of primary care in relation to acute care and noted that the future model had the potential to take pressure off hospital units.  The Member also requested that future plans for the site took into consideration the wider health economy of the area.  Responding, Dr. Frost advised that ideas for the plans would be welcomed and that the priorities for the resulting facility would be the frail elderly and people with mental health conditions. 



1)    The Committee note the report.

2)    The Committee request to receive an update report on future options for the site. 


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