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Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee (GARMS)

This page lists the meetings for Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee (GARMS).

Information about Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee (GARMS)

The Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee is a key component of Barnet Council’s corporate governance arrangements. It provides an independent and high-level focus on the audit, assurance and reporting arrangements that underpin good governance and financial standards.


The purpose of the committee is to provide independent assurance to the members of the adequacy of Barnet Council’s governance, risk management and control frameworks and oversees the financial reporting and annual governance processes.


It oversees internal audit and external audit, helping to ensure efficient and effective assurance arrangements are in place. It also acts as the Standards Committee.


Responsibilities include:


·         Reviewing corporate governance arrangements ?

·         Risk Management?

·         Audit Functions?

·         Annual Governance Statement?

·         Counter Fraud ?

·         Statement of Accounts?

·         Review Treasury Management Strategy?

·         Whistleblowing ?

·         Corporate Complaints?

·         Member Conduct ?

·         Member Development


Detailed roles and responsibilities of the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee, including a complete list of the Committee’s powers and duties) can be found in the Constitution under Part 2B Terms of Reference of Committees and the Part 3C - Committee Procedure Rules