Issue - meetings

Strategic Outline Case for the Regeneration of Part of Grahame Park Estate by Barnet Council

Meeting: 14/06/2021 - Housing and Growth Committee (Item 14)

14 Strategic Outline Case for the Regeneration of Part of Grahame Park Estate by Barnet Council pdf icon PDF 242 KB


The Chairman introduced the report which outlined the Strategic outlined case and noted that the detailed funding arrangements would be taken to the Policy and Resources Committee for approval.


Following consideration of the item, the Chairman moved to vote on the officers’ recommendations as outlined in the report.


The votes were recorded as follows:









RESOLVED that the Committee:

1)    Noted and approved the Strategic Outline Case.

2)    Noted that the detailed funding arrangements will be proposed to the Policy & Resources Committee for approval.

3)    That Barnet Homes are appointed as development agent, acting in the best interests of the council, to progress the next phase of work as set out in this report.