Decision details

Business Planning

Decision Maker: Adults and Safeguarding Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve five year commissioning priorities, proposals for meeting financial targets set out in the MTFS and proposed Management Agreements.



Ms. Kate Kennally, the Strategic Director for Communities introduced the report, which set out a proposed five year Commissioning Plan for the Adults and Safeguarding Committee.  Ms. Kennally noted that the Committee had considered Business Planning at their meetings in July and October 2014.


The Committee considered the report.


The Committee noted that any future options appraisals to evaluate alternative delivery models would include consideration of the service remaining in-house.


The Chairman MOVED the following motion:


1.    “That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee approves the Commissioning Plan (as set out at Appendix A) subject to consultation. The Commissioning Plan sets out the strategic priorities, commissioning intentions, outcome measures, revenue budgets and capital requirements for recommendation to the council’s Policy and Resources Committee on 2nd December 2014.”


Votes were recorded as followed:


In Favour







The motion was carried.


Councillor Rajput MOVED the following Amendment:


2.    That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees to public consultation on the Commissioning Plan commencing immediately following Policy and Resources Committee on 2nd December 2014, Policy and Resources Committee on 17 February 2015 are asked to agree the final Commissioning Plans.


2.1  That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees to public consultation on the Commissioning Plan commencing immediately following Policy and Resources Committee on 2nd December 2014, and that thePolicy and Resources Committee on 17 February 2015 are asked to agree the final Commissioning Plans.





Votes were recorded as followed:


In Favour







The Amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the substantive motion. 

Votes were recorded as followed:


In Favour







The motion was carried.


The Chairman MOVED the following Amendment which was SECONDED by Councillor Barry Rawlings:


3.      The Adults and Safeguarding Committee notes the need to develop performance targets for the proposed outcome measures and delegates approval of the final performance measures and targets to the Strategic Director for Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Adults and Safeguarding Committee.


3.1 The Adults and Safeguarding Committee notes the need to develop performance targets for the proposed outcome measures and that the final commissioning plan which includes performance targets will be reported to Adults and Safeguarding Committee for approval in March 2015. 


Votes were recorded as followed:


In Favour







The Amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the substantive motion. 

Votes were recorded as followed:


In Favour







The motion was carried.




1.    That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee approves the Commissioning Plan (as set out at Appendix A) subject to consultation. The Commissioning Plan sets out the strategic priorities, commissioning intentions, outcome measures, revenue budgets and capital requirements for recommendation to the council’s Policy and Resources Committee on 2nd December 2014.


2.    That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee agrees to public consultation on the Commissioning Plan commencing immediately following Policy and Resources Committee on 2nd December 2014, and that the Policy and Resources Committee on 17 February 2015 are asked to agree the final Commissioning Plans.


3.    The Adults and Safeguarding Committee notes the need to develop performance targets for the proposed outcome measures and that the final commissioning plan which includes performance targets will be reported to Adults and Safeguarding Committee for approval in March 2015. 


Report author: Karen Ahmed

Publication date: 17/12/2014

Date of decision: 20/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2014 - Adults and Safeguarding Committee

Accompanying Documents: