Decision details

Quarter 2 Monitoring and Performance Report 2012/13

Decision Maker: Cabinet Resources Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


For the reasons set out in the Cabinet Member’s report,



1.      That Directors take appropriate action to ensure costs are kept within budget and income targets are met. (Paragraph 9.1.2 of the report).

2.      That Directors take appropriate action to improve performance against those corporate performance, Human Resources (HR), project, and risk measures where quarter one performance remains a challenge. (Sections 9.3, 9.12, and Appendix A of the report).

3.   That the following virements for this financial year and on-going be approved:

·         £1.017m is requested within the Commercial services Directorate to re-align the budget across IS to ensure the budgets reflect the costs and nature of this service. There is a nil impact on the services budgets. (Paragraph 9.4.1 of the report)

·         £1.518m is requested within the Corporate Governance Directorate, in order to carry out budget realignment following the transfer of Legal Services to Harrow. This is a within service virement. There is a nil impact on the service budgets. (Paragraph 9.4.1 of the report)

4.   That the Agency Costs for the first quarter be noted. (Paragraph 9.5.1 of the report)

5.   That Directors ensure that those capital projects in their services are managed closely to ensure they are delivered within budget and in accordance with the agreed timeframe. (Paragraph 9.6.1 of the report)

6.   That the proposed 2012/13 capital additions/deletions totalling £4.622m and slippage of £12.584m as set out in Table 4 (Paragraph 9.7 of the report) and Appendix C and the related funding implications summarised in Table 5 (Paragraph 9.8.1 of the report) be approved.

7.      That the Corporate Risk Register at Appendix F of the report be noted.

8.      The One Barnet Programme (Paragraph 9.10 and Appendix G of the report) be noted.

Report author: Maria Christofi

Publication date: 20/12/2012

Date of decision: 17/12/2012

Decided at meeting: 17/12/2012 - Cabinet Resources Committee

Effective from: 01/01/2013

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