Decision details

Quarter 1 Performance Monitoring 2015/16

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Education and Skills Director, Ian Harrison, was invited by the Chairman to discuss how Barnet is performing in respect to school results. An update was provided on how Barnet is performing in respect to school results, with attention paid to Primary Schools, Key Stage 2, Secondary Schools and Key Stage 5. 


Following discussion of the issue Councillor Finn moved a motion to request that the following be added to Recommendation 1:


-       That the Committee request the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee to consider catchment areas in a more logical way, with a focus on how children living in roads nearby schools can be better considered within the school allocation process.


The motion was duly seconded by Councillor Zinkin. The Committee voted on the motion, with votes recorded as follows:









The motion was therefore carried.


The Assistant Director of Finance for CSG, Paul Thorogood, was invited by the Chairman to provide an overview of the Council’s budget, with attention paid to meeting service targets, service budgets and the whole Council budget. The Adults and Communities Director was then invited by the Chairman to provide an overview of how the Adults and Communities delivery unit is performing in respect to meeting budgetary targets.


Following discussion of the issue Councillor Finn moved a motion to request that the following be added to the recommendations:


-       That the Committee request that the recovery plan for the Adults and Communities delivery unit be shared at the next meeting of the Committee.


The motion was duly seconded by Councillor Zinkin. The Committee unanimously agreed the motion, therefore meaning that the motion was carried.


The Assistant Director of Finance for CSG provided an overview of the financial issues that the Family Services (which sits within Children’s Service) is facing.


The Director of Operations for Barnet Homes, Derek Rust, was invited by the Chairman to provide an overview of Housing performance. The Committee specifically considered the Empty Homes Strategy and the financial performance of Barnet Homes.


The Street Scene Director, Lynn Bishop, was invited by the Committee to provide an overview of the performance of waste and recycling services.


The Chairman then introduced the performance of Public Health. The Committee discussed the take of Health Checks in the borough.


Following discussion of the issue, Councillor Finn moved a motion to request that the following be added to Recommendation 1:


-       That the Committee request the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider how the take up of Health Checks can be improved.


The motion was duly seconded by Councillor Khatri. The Committee unanimously agreed the motion, therefore meaning that the motion was carried.


The Head of Customer Strategy and Programmes was invited by the Committee to provide an overview of customer perception performance.


The Chairman then moved to the recommendations. Votes were recorded as follows:









The following was therefore resolved:


1.     The Committee is asked to agree the following referrals to other committees:




Policy and Resources


Adults and Safeguarding

The Committee to note the ongoing financial, performance and demand pressures within the remit of the committee

Assets, Regeneration and Growth


Children, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding

The Committee request the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee to consider catchment areas in a more logical way, with a focus on how children living in roads nearby schools can be better considered within the school allocation process

Community Leadership



The Committee is requested to consider, as a matter of urgency, an action plan to address performance when setting a future Waste Strategy.


The Committee are asked to note the changes in national policy in regards to rent, welfare changes and the potential performance impact to ensure appropriate mitigation activity is commissioned.

General Functions Committee


Health and Wellbeing Board

That the Committee request the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider how the take up of Health Checks can be improved.


2.     The Committee is asked to note the quarter 1 2015/16 revenue budget and capital position contained in paragraphs 1.11 and 1.17.


3.     The Committee is asked to note the Agency Costs for the quarter 1 2015/16 as detailed in paragraph 1.19.


4.     The Committee is asked to note the Transformation Programme position as at the 30 June 2015 as detailed in paragraph 1.20.


5.     The Committee is asked to note the Treasury position outlined in paragraph 1.21


6.     The Committee is asked to note the £7.98m capital slippage of the outturn for 2015/16, as outlined in Appendix D.


7.     That the Committee request that the recovery plan for the Adults and Communities delivery unit be shared at the next meeting of the Committee.


Publication date: 24/09/2015

Date of decision: 01/09/2015

Decided at meeting: 01/09/2015 - Financial Performance and Contracts Committee

Accompanying Documents: