ePetition details

Pedestrian Crossing on Longmore Avenue near Monks Avenue

We the undersigned petition the council to install an appropriate pedestrian crossing on Longmore Avenue near the junction with Monks Avenue

The traffic coming from down the Longmore Avenue hill and towards East Barnet is very fast moving. At the junction with Monks Avenue, the traffic going up the hill is often obscured by cars parked on Longmore Avenue - particularly from the vantage point of a child.

There is a bus stop (ID 53143) here that is used by multiple school bus services. Several children cross the road - often on their own to access the bus stop. This is a dangerous crossing - often leading to near-misses. Even adults find this crossing difficult - let alone children.

My 11 year old daughter who currently crosses the road on her way to primary school, will start doing this unaccompanied from September. She says: "I feel very unsafe crossing this road. Cars are coming at full speed, none of them stopping. They are also coming from four different directions(Longmore Av - up & down, Pank Av, Monks Av). It is almost impossible to focus on all of these places at once. Crossing is very daunting because I know that a single misjudgement could end horribly. The idea that I will soon have to cross the road without help is unnerving." 

I have raised this with a few neighbours  and unanimously there is agreement on the need for a crossing. Neighbours have also mentioned several accidents & near-misses on the road - one only 10 days back. A well-placed pedestrian crossing will make this a much safer road for pedestrians. There is a further need for traffic- calming measures on the slope leading to this junction, for example speed bumps.

Prompt assessment and installation would be much appreciated.

This ePetition ran from 05/04/2021 to 06/07/2021 and has now finished.

87 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

This petition was reported to the Chipping Barnet Residents Forum on the 15th June 2021. It was resolved that the petition be referred to a Chief Officer to respond to within 20 working day.