Agenda item

Final Outturn and Quarter Four Monitoring Report 2013/14


The Deputy Chief Operating Officer, John Hooton; Commercial and Customer Services Director, Claire Symonds; and, Head of Programme and Resources, Tom Pike, introduced the Final Outturn and Quarter Four Monitoring Report for 2013/14.


The Chairman invited Directors to answer questions from Committee on individual Delivery Unit performance.


Following a debate it was agreed that Officers would include information on KPI target setting and rationale as part of the reports to the September meeting. 


Data on the quarterly targets for 2014/15 data for affordable housing would be provided to Committee Members subsequent to the meeting.


Officers would also provide explanation to Committee Members on the movement in debt over 12 months old.




1.            The 2013/14 revenue budget and capital outturn position be noted.


2.            The Agency Costs for the financial year be noted as detailed in the report at Paragraph 1.9.11.


3.            The Transformation Programme position as at the 31 March 2014 as detailed in the report at paragraph 1.9.12 be noted.


4.            The Treasury position outlined in the report at paragraph 1.11 be noted.


5.            £21.377m of the outturn slippage of the 2013/14 capital programme, as outlined in the report at Appendix C, be approved to be carried forward to be spent in the 2014/15 financial year.


6.            Additions to the capital programme set out in paragraph in the report at 1.9 be approved.


7.            The final balances on the provisions and earmarked reserves contained in the report at tables 6 and 7 respectively be noted.


8.            The Environment Committee should consider actions to address the reported increase to public concern on the condition of roads and pavements.





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