Agenda item

Constitution Review


The Monitoring Officer, Jessica Farmer, and the Head of Governance, Andrew Charlwood, presented a report which contained various Constitution amendments.




1.    The Committee recommend to Council that the Constitution be amended to incorporate the changes set out in the report and the amended versions attached at Appendices A to J except for the following section of the proposed Contract Procedure Rules changes which would be re-considered at the next meeting:


“CSG Procurement have advised that they are not able to undertake financial evaluation of tenders valued at less than £189,330 for goods or services or less than £4,733,252 for works as they cannot raise financial qualifications for all sub threshold procurements this goes against the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to reduce burden on suppliers for lower value/lower risk opportunities.  The second bullet point has been retained and merged with the text in section 8.4.”


2.    The Monitoring Officer be delegated authority to delete ‘Covid-19 Enforcement’ from the terms of reference of the Community Leadership and Libraries Committee at the appropriate time following consultation with the Chairman.


3.    The Committee agree the following protocol in relation to amendments to committee reports:


“Where they are aware of the amendments in advance, a Member may propose amendments to committee reports or recommendations by submitting the amendment in writing to the Head of Governance or his/her representative by 10.30am on the day of the meeting.  The amendment must be relevant to the report or decision being taken by the committee.


Where reports are published as ‘to follow’ items, amendments will be accepted after the deadline including during the meeting.


Amendments will also be allowed at the meeting.”


4.    The Committee agree that the Chairman be consulted on any Constitution amendments required due to the proposed changes to the Area Committee (Community Infrastructure Levy) Funding changes (being reported to the Policy & Resources Committee on 24 May 2021) and that these are reported directly to Council on 25 May 2021.







Supporting documents: