Agenda item

Outturn 2019/20; Budget 2020/21 and Business Planning 2021-25


The Chairman introduced the report and noted that this report had been considered at the Performance and Contract Management Committee earlier that week.


The report provided an overview of the council’s outturn for the 2019/20 financial year.  Additionally, the report provided an update on the current forecast impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on 2020/21 budget and the process for 2021/22 and future years budget setting.  The report also sought Committee approval for a series of budget management decisions for 2020/21.


Referring to the Member’s Item raised by Councillor Barry Rawlings, the Chairman noted that the Member’s Item had requested that the Committee “Run a public campaign demanding the Government cover all Covid 19 costs.”  The Chairman advised that he had raised funding issues with the local Members of Parliament. 


The Chairman noted that the Member’s Item had requested that the Committee “bring forward fees and charges increase to the 1st January 2021 as proposed by the Labour alternative budget” The Chairman noted that the budget setting process would take place later in the year and that this request could be picked up as part of this piece of work. He requested that Officers advise how this would be done.  (Action) 


Concluding the discussion on the Member’s Items, the Chairman advised that the issues raised within the Member’s Item would be considered in future budget reports. 


The Chairman advised the Committee that an addendum to this paper had been published on the Council’s website and circulated to Members, which provided a correction to Recommendation 8 contained within the original report.  He advised that this following recommendation would be voted upon alongside all other Recommendations as set out in the report:  


8.     Approve the budget virements as detailed in Section 1.4.9; Approve the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to additions as set out in paragraph 1.4.19 and the addendum to the report, in accordance with the virement rules;


Following the consideration of the report, the Committee unanimously RESOLVED:


1.     Notes the 2019/20 budget outturn as set out in 1.2;

2.     Notes the current balances of reserves as set out in section 1.2.5;

3.     Approves the allocation methodology of confirmed Covid-19 grants to services as set out in 1.3.14;

4.     Approve that officers review current year expenditure plans to minimise the impact of Covid-19 including actions set out in 1.3.18 such as safely reintroducing income generating services, reducing expenditure and developing recovery plans. Officers will seek decisions or provide updates to Theme Committees as appropriate;

5.     Approve that the MTFS and its assumptions be reviewed in light of Covid-19 and the potential economic/service impact (including New Homes Bonus, income generation, Council tax base growth and service pressures);

6.     Approve that officers start to develop budget proposals for 2021/22 and delegate authority to the Section 151 officer to issue targets to officers to support the achievement of a balanced budget;

7.     Notes the delegation given to the Section 151 officer by the Urgency Committee of the 27th April 2020 in relation to virements required as a result of Covid19 as set out in paragraph 1.4.6;

8.               Approve the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to additions as set out in paragraph 1.4.19 and the addendum to the report, in accordance with the virement rules;

9.               Notes the budget virements as detailed in Sections 1.4.11-1.4.13

10.           Approve the changes to the existing Capital Programme in relation to additions as set out in paragraphs 1.4.19 in accordance with the virement rules;

11.           Approve the use of Area Committee Funding to support revenue spend to assist services during this period of crisis as detailed in 1.4.20-1.4.22;

12.           Approve a commitment to continue to support the council’s charity (Live Unlimited) as set out in 1.4.23-1.4.24;

13.           Approve the approach in working with central government on behalf of our residents and the sector as noted in 1.5.20; and

14.           Notes the Environment fees and charges that were noted at relevant Theme Committee as detailed in Appendix A.



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