Agenda item

Year 6 and 7 Capita Contracts Review - Terms of Reference


The Chairman welcomed the report and noted that the Year 6 and Year 7 review of the contracts with Capita will be reported to the Committee.


He noted that discussions will be held within the public domain as far as possible, except where legally exempt discussions are concerned. The Chairman also stated that additional meetings of the Committee may be accommodated where this is required in light of the discussions of the review.


The Commercial and Customer Services Director Deborah Hinde presented and summarised the report.


The Committee agreed that the contracts review programme be assessed together with Members, Officers and the Chairman to give Members the opportunity to query Officers within the relevant service areas as part of the review. Members also noted that in some cases, the review would benefit from a potential peer review of service delivery at other Local Authorities.


Members requested that the Committee be given the opportunity to analyse all matters associated with the contracts review. The Chairman welcomed suggestions from the Committee about any additional steps which may be taken as part of the programme. As a result, it was agreed that a meeting be convened between Officers, the Chairman, Councillor Levine and Councillor Rawlings.


It was noted that going forward, the review will be informed by various reports to this Committee which will consider the full range of options for service areas within the contracts. The Committee also noted that comparative data for brining services in house will also be considered as part of the review.


In light of recommendation 1(b) in the report, the Committee requested commitment from Officers that year 6/7 Capita Contracts review focus on service quality, value for money and meet future service delivery as far as possible. (Action: Contracts review reporting)


To support the discussions on the programme of the current contracts review, it was agreed that reports relating to the previous review of the Capita Contracts be circulated to the Committee. (Action: Commercial)


Having been seconded, the Committee agreed to an additional recommendation to read:

1.    That the Committee agrees that the aims of the Year 6/7 Review of Capita contracts should be:

e)  To ensure that any changes or recommendations should include reference to the appropriate degree of benefits and burdens between LBB and Service Providers.


The Committee expressed concerns over the public consultation process, it was agreed that a meeting be convened with Officers, the Chairman and Councillor Levine in order to define the specifics of the consultation.


The Chairman thanked the Committee for the discussion and it was unanimously RESOLVED:


1.    That the Committee agreed that the aims of the Year 6/7 Review of Capita contracts should be to:


a.    Establish the council’s long-term vision for service provision and the consequent requirements for each service;

b.    Understand the current performance of each service, including special projects, in terms of service quality and value for money;

c.    Develop the future delivery strategy for each service, post-2023; and

d.    Agree any changes required to the existing contractual arrangements between now and 2023 (i.e. the end of the existing contracts).

e.    To ensure that any changes or recommendations should include reference to the appropriate degree of benefits and burdens between LBB and Service Providers.


2.    Agreed the approach to conducting the Review, as set out in paragraphs 1.15 to 1.24 of this report;

3.    Noted the outline timeline, set out in paragraph 1.32 of this report; and

4.    Noted the work that has been carried out to date in respect of the Pensions Administration service, set out in paragraphs 1.34 and 1.35 of this report.





















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