Agenda item

Family Services Quarterly Update Report


The Chairman introduced the Family Services Quarterly Update report and invited Chris Munday, Executive Director for Children and Young People to present the report.


Following the presentation and summary of the report, the Committee referred to the advocacy data in section 1.5 and queried the reasons for placing young people out of the borough.


Mr Munday informed the Committee about the descriptor for out of borough and noted that some foster carers which Family Services have worked with are based out of borough. Officers also noted that due to certain risks young people are placed out of borough on the basis of needs.


Members were informed that Looked after Children remain under the responsibility of the Local Authority and that the Care Plans for young people are reviewed on a regular basis.


Following a query about the vacancy rate for social workers, the Committee noted the initiatives to ensure the recruitment of apprenticeships and high quality social workers including the launch of the ‘Return to Social Work’ programme. Mr Munday also noted the emphasis on detailed qualifications and continual professional development for social workers.


Officers also noted the range of actions taken to advertise the workforce offer in Barnet as widely as possible. In addition, Members noted the work undertaken to encourage people with a wide variety of backgrounds and skill sets to come into social work practice.


In reference to the Make your Mark ballot, Members asked to receive the outcome of the consultation. Officers noted that the outcome together with Youth section survey will be reported to this Committee at its May meeting. (Action: Forward Work Programme)


The Committee requested information about the Looked after Children missing from placement. Officers informed the Committee about the work being undertaken with community groups, Police, Local Authorities and other partners to collaborate effectively as a multi-disciplinary partnership to confirm their location.


The Committee noted the work being undertaken to formulate a plan tailored for each child taking into account various factors such as risk and behavioural patterns in order to collectively gather intelligence.


Members asked about the actions being taken together with services across the Council, to reduce the number of young people who are not in employment, education or training.


Brigitte Jordaan Director of Children Social Care Family Services informed the Committee that a number of initiatives are taking place to reduce this figure consistently by offering a range of options for young people such as apprenticeships.


The Committee referred to the social work visits and asked how the work was being monitored and delivered. Mr Munday noted that visitations continue to be purposeful and that work will continue to be delivered on improving recordings of meetings.


It was unanimously RESOLVED:


1.    That the Committee noted and scrutinised as above the Children’s Social Care performance information provided in Appendix 1.


2.    That the Committee noted and scrutinised as above progress of performance against our corporate parenting responsibilities provided in Appendix 2.


3.    That the committee noted and scrutinised as above progress of performance against our Ofsted Self Evaluation provided in Appendix 3.


4.    That the committee noted new resource packs from the Local Government Association for Corporate Parenting and Support for Care Leavers in Appendices 4 and 5.









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