Agenda item

Regeneration Deep Dive Report


The Chairman introduced the item which formed the deep dive theme for this meeting on growth, health and wellbeing which links to one of the refreshed HWB Board priorities – creating Healthy Environment. 


Given the evidence on the positive impact of healthy placemaking on people, she noted the importance of creating places that deliver healthier lives, prevent avoidable diseases and contribute to the overall economic wellbeing.


The Board received four presentations on different components of the healthy placemaking process, ambitions, aspirations and outcomes.


The Chairman invited Cath Shaw, Deputy Chief Executive, Stephen McDonald, Director of Growth and Rachel Wells, Consultant in Public Health who summarised their presentations as set out in the report.


Ms Shaw spoke about the development of the Local Plan and the consultation timeline. The Board also heard about the Health Impact Assessment and the both emerging positive and negative impacts of growth on health and wellbeing. The Board is encouraged to submit its comments which will then form part of the collective formal response to the consultation.


The Board noted that further emphasis should be made in the Growth Strategy towards improving health and wellbeing for children and young people.


Mr Munday briefed the Board about the development and opening of the Unitas Youth Zone facility in Barnet in June this year and noted that over 2,300 young people have signed up for activities.


Councillor Richard Cornelius welcomed the presentations and highlighted the importance of joined-up working and lobbying for adequate health care provision in Barnet to meet the health needs of the population. Ms Wakeling spoke about the increase in demand for services, access to services and workforce as a result of population growth.


Colette Wood also welcomed the comment and noted the opportunity for effective partnership working to deliver integrated health and social care services and adequate future planning, including secondary care.


Ms Bina Omare, Chief Executive of Colindale Communities Trust delivered a presentation and spoke about the community engagement work and its main findings, from a local community perspective.


Mr Munday welcomed the presentation and spoke about the work delivered around KOOTH online counselling services for young people. The Chairman highlighted the importance of resident engagement in regeneration programmes to shape and develop local places in the way that will best suit local needs.


The Chairman noted that one of the main recommendations from Health Impact Assessment of Growth Strategy was to ensure free play areas for children and young people are built into the new environment, wherever possible. She invited Argent, who submitted a presentation on developing Brent Cross area and initial proposals on Project Play. The Board heard about the work with UNICEF towards developing child friendly communities.


The Board welcomed the presentation and noted the following (Action):

-        the need to co-design effectively at the beginning stage to ensure that it is fit for purpose

-        to ensure effective communication and engagement with residents as well as Local Authority services

-        to join-up work with other developments being delivered by LBB on sport and physical activity


Colette Wood Director of Care Closer to Home, Barnet CCG delivered the presentation on Primary Care Development – she spoke about how primary care estates development is complementing Growth Strategy in the short and long term. She also highlighted the importance of strategic partnership working and future funding, such as s106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funding.


The Chairman welcomed the contributions from the Board and it was RESOLVED:


1.     That the Board noted the progress on delivering health and wellbeing outcomes across the growth and regeneration programme.


2.     That the Health and Wellbeing Board noted the draft Growth Strategy and responds to the consultations formally.


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