Agenda item

151-153 High Street 18-6607-FUL (2) (High Barnet)


The Committee received the report and addendum to the report. A representation was heard from the Agent.


It was moved by Councillor Sowerby the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


  1. The proposed re-development of N0.153, including its demolition, would result in the total loss of a non-designated established original heritage asset which makes a positive contribution within this part of the Monken Hadley Conservation Area and in particular to the setting of the adjoining Grade II listed building at N0.151. Given there is an in-principle policy presumption for the protection of such assets the proposal would result in substantial harm to the overall significance, character and coherent appearance of the Grade II listed building and detract significantly from the character and appearance of the Monken Hadley Conservation Area Character Appraisal Statement.   As such, the proposed development would be contrary to policies CS5 of the Local Plan Core  Strategy (2012) and policies DM01 and DM06 of the Barnet Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012) and paragraph 197 of the NPPF    (2019).


  1. The proposed development of N0.153 incorporating part single, part two, part three storey building, front dormer windows and single storey shopfront extension would by reason of their size, siting, scale, established building line, unsympathetic modern building design and excessive flat roof form would be harmful to the established historic form of the existing buildings and severely detract from the pre-eminence of the Grade II listed building and its setting, harming its historic significance, and further failing to enhance or preserve the character and appearance of the Monken Hadley Conservation Area. As such, the proposed development would be contrary to policies CS5 of the Local Plan Core Strategy (2012) and policies DM01 and DM06 of the Barnet Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012) and paragraph 197 of the NPPF (2019).


  1. The proposed alterations to the Grade II listed building (N0.151) including removal of part of the wood panelling at ground floor level and the only surviving ground floor window at front to facilitate the new entrance door would be harmful to the internal fabric of this building and fail to sufficiently preserve or enhance the architectural integrity and special character of the Grade II Listed Building or the character and appearance of this part of the Monken Hadley Conservation Area contrary to policies CS NPPF and CS5 of the Local Plan Core Strategy (2012) and Policies DM01 and DM06 of the Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (2012).


  1. The proposed front dormer additions and associated rooflights within the existing roofscape of the Grade II listed building and the new shopfront extension would be unsympathetically modern design which would be out of keeping with the appearance of this historic listed building. Furthermore, the increased width of the new shopfront extension would further erode the heritage significance of this listed building.  As such the proposed alterations would be contrary to policies DM01 and DM06 of the adopted Development Management Policies DPD (2012) and the Monken Hadley Conservation Area Character Appraisal Statement.


  1. The proposed two Mews Cottages by reason of their layout, design, proximity to site boundary and poor quality outlook to the front, facing a high security metal fence along Nursery Row, particularly at ground floor level, would provide a poor standard of residential amenity  to the detriment of the future occupiers of these residential units contrary to Policies DM01 and DM02, of the Council's Development Management Policies (2012), Policies CS NPPF, CS1 and CS5 of the Council's Core Strategy (2012) as well as the Residential Design Guidance SPD (2016) and Sustainable Design and Construction SPD (2016).


This was seconded by Councillor Wendy Prentice.    The Chairman requested that this be put to the vote.



RESOLVED that the application be unanimously refused for the reasons detailed above.



Supporting documents: