Agenda item

London Borough of Brent - Welsh Harp Management Plan


Mr Leslie Williams presented the report and reiterated that the joint management plan between the Canal River Trust, Barnet Council and Brent Council is on the Brent Council website.

The Action Plan is updated for each Committee attached to the agenda. The online version is colour coded according to progress. Under item 3.3 works with Canal and River Trust and Welsh Harp Sailing Association to trial the willow scrub management at the edge of the reservoir was completed.  The band of marshland about 5-20m wide along the southern and northern shores of the reservoir is very conducive for the growth of willow scrub and trees creating a wind shadow which affects water sports.

Brent introduced the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which comes into force in Brent’s parks on the 3rd of April this year.

Initiatives are meant to be educational and about enforcement. Training of Brent staff will be carried out to undertake enforcement.

Mr David Rose from the Welsh Harp Sailing Association presented photographs of the marshland. The section of scrub that was cleared created a much better view to the Welsh Harp Reservoir. Reeds are preserved to allow sunlight and to encourage habitat in the area. Willows by the water edge have been cut and need to be controlled in future.

More activities will be organised following the consultation and discussion of best area for wild life and plants to form.

Engineers carried out works safely near the car park as discussed at previous meetings.

The Chairman thanked Mr Rose on behalf of the Committee.


PUBLIC SPEAKER – Anne John, Brent Resident

Anne explained how she has walked extensive grounds along Barnet and Brent Greenspaces for a long time and has worked in the Council for many years.

One issue that has been raised to the Committee for immediate attention is the encampment, in York Park on a little bend opposite the first big tower block. It would be a huge operation to remove the gigantic long standing black tent. The main concern is the bird nesting area on the bend where so much rubbish has been dumped.

Other issues include the plastic along the side of the water by Cool Oak Lane bridge where many tins and bottles have been dumped.

It was noted that the dumping ground of furniture on cool oak lane was cleared by the London Wildlife Trust with a group of 50 volunteers a week ago. Bad areas were identified but it was too dangerous to carry on clearing. It is a hot spot identified by Community Safety team. If there was a CCTV camera in place, the Council could then capture number plates and catch culprits easily.

Cllr Don is regularly reporting on litter cleaning.  It was noted that a cut-off lamppost and street sign have fallen.  During a commitment meeting, CCTV was requested and Cllr Don has written to the Council for an update.



(i)            The Chairman recommended a Notice be put up in the problematic area and/or installation of CCTV to prevent repeated cleaning. Matthew Gunyon to raise recommendation again with Barnet Community Safety.

(ii)          Joint work to be carried out with Barratt London, Canal & River trust, and Greenspaces with regards to illegal encampment and finding a more suitable place for campers to live.




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