Agenda item

Business Planning 2019-2024


Mr Munday noted the challenge of the financial position faced by the Council and emphasised the need to prioritise the improvement in children’s social care and the protection of vulnerable children in setting the budget for 2019/20 onwards.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Ben Thomas, Strategic Lead for Children and Young People and Mr Ian Harrison, Education and Skills Director who joined the meeting.


Mr Harrison referred to the decision of the School Forum and noted that the Schools Forum did not support either proposal 1 or proposal 3 at its meeting on 27th November, the Committee is therefore asked to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Children and Young People to submit an application to the Secretary of State for a decision, following discussion with the Chairman.


Following a request from the Chairman, Mr Munday informed the Committee about the potential consequences of the above decision which includes potential direct cuts to areas such as SEN funding, likely in the area of top ups and direct funding provision in schools.


The Committee expressed concerns about the need for additional funding and the importance of quality of education in light of the potential risks.


Councillor Coakley Webb moved a motion which was seconded and agreed:

That the Chairman of the Committee writes to all three Barnet MPs with a copy of the Director’s letter calling on them to support the request for additional funding.


It was therefore RESOLVED:


1.    That the Committee considered the Corporate Plan (Appendix A) and the Corporate Plan priorities in Appendix B for referral to Policy and Resources Committee before adoption by Full Council.

2.    That the Committee considered the MTFS proposals that relate to the committee as set out in Appendix C after having considered the initial equalities impacts and refer their comments to Policy and Resources Committee for eventual decision by Full Council.

3.    That the Committee approved the increases in fees charges listed set out in Table 3 and refer them for noting to Policy and Resources Committee.

4.    That the Committee considered the savings proposals for the next financial year as set out in Appendix C subject to the initial equalities impacts and refer them to Policy and Resources Committee for consultation and eventual decision by Full Council.

5.1  The Schools Forum did not support either proposal 1 or proposal 3, as set out in section 6.8.8 of this report, at its meeting on 27th November, the Committee therefore give delegated authority to the Strategic Director, Children and Young People to submit an application to the Secretary of State for a decision, following discussion with the Chairman of the Children, Education and Safeguarding Committee.


5.2 That the Chairman of the Committee writes to all three Barnet MPs with a copy of the Director’s letter calling on them to support the request for additional funding.

6.    That the Committee delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Children and Young People to enter negotiations with Cambridge Education to enable delivery of the Early Years Standards provision, including services currently provided through a Service Level Agreement with the Barnet Early Years Alliance, via the strategic partnership with Cambridge Education and to enter into contractual arrangements as appropriate, following discussion with the Chairman of the Children, Education and Safeguarding Committee.


Votes were declared as follows in relation to Recommendations 1-4:








Recommendations 5.1, 5.2 and 6 were unanimously approved.


Supporting documents: