Agenda item

Housing Strategy and Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy consultation


Given the impact of housing on social, emotional and physical wellbeing, the Chairman welcomed the opportunity for the Board to consider the impacts of housing policy on health going forward.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Gabriel Rozenberg, Chairman of the Housing Committee and the Strategic Lead for Housing, Mr Faisal Butt. The Board received a presentation from Councillor Rozenberg who informed the Board about the refresh of the Housing Strategy and the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy as well as the 12-week formal consultation which commenced from 5 November 2018.


Councillor Rozenberg also spoke about the context of housing in the borough and the background to the key points as set out in the Appendix to the report.


The Board noted the links  on Housing and Health, in particular the three elements as defined by Public Health England, namely Healthy Homes, Suitable Homes and Safe and Secure Homes. Councillor Rozenberg noted that each element will have varying impacts on health at different points in the lifespan and require different policies and approaches to address issues. 


In relation to Homelessness, the Board heard about the data relating to health outcomes and health risks.  It was noted that homelessness can make people vulnerable to illness and cause premature death, poor mental health and increases risk towards developing other multiple health problems.


The Board noted the main themes of the Housing Strategy which are to improve standards in privately rented housing, deliver more affordable homes, promote independence, tackle homelessness, and ensure housing is safe and secure.


Councillor Rozenberg highlighted the main themes under the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy which include preventing homelessness, finding accommodation for those at risk of it, helping rough sleepers, and reducing the need for temporary accommodation.


Noting the importance of strengthening partnerships, the Board was informed about the proposal towards the Homelessness Forum. The Forum, as a partnership, aims to oversee the delivery of a joint action plan which will look at tackling the underlying causes of homelessness and rough sleeping in the borough.


Following a query from Dr Charlotte Benjamin on emergency homelessness, Mr Faisal Butt briefed the Board on winter shelters and noted that a homelessness coordinator and outreach workers have been appointed to tackle this issue.


Dr Clare Stephens noted that information has been in circulation to GPs about the importance of raising awareness of the Duty to Refer which is to help people access homelessness services as soon as possible, to prevent them becoming homelessness or if they're already homeless, to put an end to it.

Dr Frost welcomed the report and emphasised the importance of partnership working involving various partners and agencies.


The Board agreed that Actions arising from the discussions of the Forum should also be reported to the HWBB on a regular basis.


The Chairman welcomed Jo Lee and Dr Terry Matthews, Trustee of HAP who both have experience of supporting health and wellbeing of homeless people, to join the table.


Dr Matthews expanded on the health issues facing homeless people as well as the health problems common amongst the homeless population.  He also noted about the increased risk of late identification of illness which in turn complicates treatment and that resolving health issues at an early stage helps towards long term health outcomes.


The Chair of the Barnet Safeguarding Adults Board, Fiona Bateman welcomed the report and highlighted the importance of partnership working towards to tackle issues and to support adults at risk, particularly in relation to substance misuse.


In response to a question from Dr Charlotte Benjamin on collaboration, the Board was informed about the London inter-borough protocol and the ongoing work of the North and West London councils which Barnet is a part of.


The Board heard about the work towards increasing awareness of the Duty to Refer and how health professionals can assist in early intervention, particularly for rough sleepers which helps to improve health outcomes. The Leader noted the need to gather detailed intelligence to understand the full picture in relation to rough sleeping.


The Board noted the support offered and provided by HAP towards rough sleeping as well as the need for preventative work such as nursing provision. As a transient group, it was noted that there are difficulties in locating and ensuring they are seen by health professionals. The Board also noted the importance of addressing the underlying health issues in conjunction with supporting people towards housing.


In respect of the homeless community, the Board noted that consideration needs to be given to the process following discharge at A&E centres and welcomed the opportunity to work together to tackle the issues.


Dr Tamara Djuretic welcomed the discussion and suggested a coordinated from the Board with approx. 2-3 actions to inform the Consultation.


The Chairman thanked all speakers and Board Members for the discussion. The Board agreed that an update report will be brought back in approx. 6 months to the HWBB. (Action: Forward Work Programme)



1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board noted the draft strategies and respond to the consultations formally as above.

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board noted that housing is a factor relevant to the health and wellbeing of people and therefore from time to time the Board will receive reports relating to housing and homelessness.


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