Agenda item

Separate Food Waste Collection Cessation


The Strategic Director of Environment introduced the report and drew the committee attention to the letters from the GLA dated 7 September 2018, that were published as a supplementary report. In view of ongoing discussion and correspondence, he suggested making an amendment to recommendation to 2 and an additional recommendation 4. The item and officer report was debated.


The Chairman therefore moved an amendment, that was seconded by Councillor Zinkin, to recommendation 2 to read as follows:


That the Environment Committee approve stopping suspending all separate household food waste collections from 4th November 2018 until further notice.


The committee voted as follows


For – 6

Against – 4

Abstain -  0


The motion was therefore carried


The Chairman also moved a new recommendation 4, that was seconded by Councillor Zinkin as follow:


To instruct officers to work with partners organisation in early 2019 to submit a reduction and recycling plan that represents a trajectory that is best environmental and economical solution for the Borough.


The committee voted as follows


For – 6

Against – 4

Abstain -  0


The motion was therefore carried


Councillor Schneiderman moved an amendment to recommendation 2 that was seconded by Councillor Cooke


That the Environment Committee continue separate household food waste collections and accept the GLA offer for an independent review of the Borough’s Food waste collection.


The committee voted as follows


For – 4

Against – 6

Abstain -  0


This motion was therefore lost


The committee then voted on the recommendations, as amended, as follows:


For – 6

Against – 4

Abstain - 0


The Committee therefore resolved


1.    To review and note the consultation discussions and correspondence with Mayor of London since the Environment Committee meeting on 5th June.


2.    To approve suspending all separate household food waste collections from 4th November 2018 until further notice.


3.    To approve the promotion of the options set out in Appendix M, which enable residents to recycle/compost food waste at home.


4.    Instruct officers to work with partners organisation in early 2019 to submit a reduction and recycling plan that represents a trajectory that is best environmental and economical solution for the Borough.

Supporting documents: