Agenda item

Consultation responses


CG started by thanking all who responded as there was a high level of responses. There were 98 responses which included 80 from Primary schools (maintained and academy/ free), 16 from Secondary schools (maintained and academy/ free), and 2 from All-through schools. 47 responses were from Head teachers or Principals, 40 from Governors and 11 from other representatives such as Bursars or School Business/ Finance managers. Details of respondents were listed in a table.


The Survey presented two options:


Option 1 – the full National Funding Formula

Option 2 – the National Funding Formula with additional protection (a phased introduction of the NFF in 2018/19 using MFG in order to make the formula affordable).

Responders were asked to select Option 1 or Option 2.

CG stated that head teachers and several governors responded and the preferred option was option 2. The respondents felt that this option gave schools time to adapt before full implementation of the NFF in 2020/21.


IH stated there have been a number of queries about the treatment of the increase in DSG (Dedicated Schools Grant) funding allocations to local authorities, which is equivalent to an extra 0.5% per pupil for all schools. IH explained that the increase doesn’t automatically feed through to school-level allocations. IH pointed out that the funding for newly open/ growing schools has to be the first call on the Schools’ Block funding and that the criteria for growth funding is agreed by the Schools Forum. This reduces the amount available through the funding formula.

IH explained that the total growth funding for Barnet schools in 2017/18 was £3.9m.  Whilst Schools Block income covers only £813,257 of this, the council funded the remaining £3.1m from DSG reserves. The council is no longer able to make up any shortfall in growth funding from DSG reserves, because the reserves have gradually been used up over the last few years (covering growth funding and increased pressure on the High Needs budget)

Val White (VW) stated that it is very important for Schools Forum members to go back and explain this to other headteachers and governors. VW also mentioned that the lack of growth funding has been raised as an issue with the DfE. The perception was that growth would be funded on actual need rather than a historical basis but this is not what has happened.  The allocation of growth funding is being reviewed by the DfE before full implementation of the National Funding Formula in 2020/21.

Simon Horne (SH) stated that the PowerPoint presentation at the last Schools Forum was very clear and straightforward.

BF queried if there was a possibility the LA could get a higher growth funding allocation in 2018/19 if we go back to the DFE and ask for more money. IH stated that this has already been done but he did not expect it to be successful.

BF requested a table showing the growth funding costs in the last years (2015/16 to 2017/18) and how much was funded from the schools block allocations and how much from reserves.

The Schools Forum agreed that option 2 (the phased introduction of the NFF) should be recommended to CELS for implementation.

Supporting documents: