Agenda and minutes
Venue: Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, London NW4 4BG
Contact: Naomi Kwasa: Email: 0208 359 4144
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2018 were agreed as a correct record. |
Absence of Members Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Golnar Bokaei, who was substituted by Councillor Anthony Finn. |
Declarations of Members Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Non-Pecuinary Interests Minutes: Councillor Caroline Stock declared a non-pecuniary interest in that her daughter works as a Psychiatrist for the Barnet Health Trust.
Councillor Jess Brayne declared a non-pecuniary interest in that her brother-in-law works for Your Choice Barnet.
Councillor Anthony Finn declared a non-pecuniary interest in that his mother-in-law receives her occupational therapy from the Council.
Councillor Helene Richman declared a non-pecuniary interest in that she is a Trustee of Mind in Barnet. |
Report of the Monitoring Officer (if any) Minutes: None. |
Members' Items (if any) PDF 192 KB Minutes: At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Edwards introduced his Members Item.
Following discussion on the item, the Chairman suggested that rather than bringing back a separate report on the item, the salient points could be included in an update on the financial recovery plan (see Item 10) at a future meeting of the committee.
It was then proposed by Councillor Edwards that the Members Item be accepted and a full report as detailed in the Item be brought back to a future meeting of the Adults and Safeguarding Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Brayne. A vote was taken and the results were as follows;
The motion was lost. It was agreed that the salient points of the Members Item would be included in an update on the financial recovery plan, the details of which are included in the minutes at Item 10 for the Adult Social Care Financial Recovery Plan 2018-19. |
Public Questions and Comments (if any) Minutes: None. |
Adult Social Care: Responding to Winter Demand PDF 292 KB Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report, which provided the Committee with information on the work being carried out by Barnet Council’s adult social care services on winter demand.
Following the consideration of the report, the Chairman MOVED to the vote on the recommendations set out in the report.
That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee notes the work carried out by Barnet’s adult social care services to prepare for and respond to additional demand over winter. |
Integrated Health and Social Care PDF 312 KB Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report, which provided the Committee with an update on local integration of health and adult social care to improve the health and wellbeing of residents.
Following the consideration of the report, the Chairman MOVED to the vote on the recommendations set out in the report.
It was RESOLVED that;
The Committee is asked to note the progress that has been made on the integration of health and social care. |
Quarter 1 2018/19 Adults and Safeguarding Performance Report PDF 379 KB Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report, which provided the Committee with an update on the Theme Committee priorities in the Corporate Plan 2018/19 Addendum for Quarter 1 (Q1) 2018/19, including budget forecasts for revenue and capital, progress on activities, performance of key indicators and any high-level risks.
Following discussion on the report, it was MOVED by Councillor Brayne and seconded by Councillor Patel to add the following two additional recommendations to the report:
2. Refer to the Policy and Resources Committee that Adults and Safeguarding should be exempt from the recruitment freeze;
3. That the entire issue of Mosaic including the legal negotiations and impact on staff is brought back to this Committee.
A vote was taken on the first additional recommendation as follows:
The motion was lost.
A vote was taken on the second additional recommendation as follows:
The motion was lost.
Following the consideration of the report, the Chairman MOVED to the vote on the recommendations set out in the report.
It was RESOLVED that;
The Committee had reviewed the financial, performance and risk information for Q1 2018/19 and agreed not to make any referrals to Policy and Resources Committee or Financial Performance and Contracts Committee in accordance with the terms of reference of these Committees. |
Adult Social Care Financial Recovery Plan 2018-19 PDF 361 KB Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report, which provided the Committee with an update on the 2018/19 adult social care budget position, delivery of existing medium term financial strategy (MTFS) savings, the additional budget pressures and the status of actions agreed to recover against these. It also included a risk assessment of the recovery plan.
It was noted that there was a typo in the printed agenda on page 54, section 1.7 and that the final sentence should read in full;
‘It is important to note that the £3.6m value of these recovery actions is in addition to significant savings being delivered.’
The Chairman requested that regular updates on the Financial Recovery Plan be brought back to the Adults and Safeguarding Committee and it was agreed that this would include the salient points requested within the Members Item, including a risk assessment of freezing staff posts and the impacts on service delivery and safeguarding issues, as well as any further information on Mosaic.
Following the consideration of the report, the Chairman MOVED to the vote on the recommendations set out in the report.
It was RESOLVED that;
That the Adults and Safeguarding Committee notes the work carried out by Barnet’s adult social care services to prepare for and respond to additional demand over winter. |
Committee Forward Work Programme PDF 82 KB Minutes: Members considered the Forward Work Programme as set out in the report.
Officers noted that the agenda for 26 November 2018 would also include an update to the Financial Recovery Plan as requested by the Chairman, as well as the Annual Safeguarding Report and the Annual Complaints Report. It was therefore agreed that the item still to be allocated, the Extra Care Benchmarking Report, would go to a future meeting.
It was RESOLVED that the Committee note the Forward Work Programme, with the additions as noted above. |
Any other items that the Chairman decides are urgent Minutes: None. |