Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, London NW4 4BQ
Contact: Email: 020 8359 2860
No. | Item |
Official announcements Minutes: None. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Humayune Khalick, Sue Baker, Val Duschinsky, Daniel Thomas, Michael Mire and Nick Mearing-Smith. |
Elect a Member to preside if the Mayor is absent Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor was present. |
Prayers Minutes: Reverand Dr Julie Gittoes was called upon by the Worshipful the Mayor to speak to Council and say prayers. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr Rose declared a pecuniary interest in item 15.6 (Speedy Broadband for Barnet Residents) by way of employment.
Exceptional Item Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor congratulated the following Councillors on their 30 and over years’ service to the Council and presented them all a framed certificate to commemorate this achievement:
· Councillor Geof Cooke · Councillor Kath McGuirk · Councillor Gill Sargeant · Councillor Eva Greenspan
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 101 KB Minutes: |
Any business remaining from last meeting Minutes: None. |
Public Questions to the Leader & Cabinet Members PDF 57 KB Minutes: Public questions were received from residents as published and responses to the questions and supplementary questions were responded to in the allotted time permitted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised Council that the deputation had submitted the following supporting statement:
“We would like to bring a deputation on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot community in Barnet with particular reference to Barnet's Town Twinning programme with Morphou.
Morphou, a town which is now known as Guzelyurt, is located on the northern side of the partition line originally established in 1964, and now consists entirely of Turkish Cypriots.
British citizens of Turkish Cypriot descent here in Barnet are concerned that the twinning programme, which is financed by all Barnet citizens, has only involved the Greek Cypriot community so far and is thus unrepresentative of reality: there are two major communities that coexist on the island. We therefore request that Barnet residents of Turkish Cypriot descent are equally involved in the organisation of the programme, in keeping with Barnet Council's claims to serve its many ethnic minorities without discrimination, according to the UK's Human Rights legislation.
At the moment, the Town Twinning programme seems to represent exclusively the views of Greek Cypriots. We need to ensure that both sides are equally represented; so that, the Turkish Cypriot rights are just as respected as Greek Cypriot, and that accounts of history are clearly and correctly interpreted so as to ensure no bias or discrimination occurs to cause misinformation or division amongst future generations of Barnet residents.”
Seyyare Beyzade was invited to speak on the received deputation.
Members asked questions of the deputation.
Following the questioning of the deputation, debate ensued. Following debate:
Councillor Barry Rawlings (Labour) moved the following proposal from section 13.10.11 of the Council Procedure Rules: “To note the deputation and take no further action.”
Councillor Richard Cornelius (Conservative) moved the following proposal from section 13.10.11 of the Council Procedure Rules: “To note the deputation and take no further action.”
The cross party proposal was therefore CARRIED and it was therefore RESOLVED to note the deputation and take no further action.
Petitions from Members and the Public Minutes: None. |
Announcements from the Leader & Portfolio Holders Minutes: None. |
Member Questions to the Executive & Chairs of Committees PDF 147 KB Minutes: Answers to the questions submitted were provided as a supplementary paper to the agenda.
Supplementary questions were then asked and answered within the allotted time given for the item |
Member Questions about joint arrangements & external organisations Minutes: None. |
Motions (45 minutes) PDF 73 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Administration Motion In the name of Cllr Ross Houston – In the Expectation of a New Government
Councillor Houston moved the motion in his name.
Debate ensued.
Votes on the motion in the name of Councillor Houston were recorded as follows:
For: 36 Against: 15 Abstain: 5 Absent: 7 Total: 63
Council Notes:
· That the last 14 years have been years of waste that has affected Barnet.
o Waste of the opportunity that a decade of low interest rates gave to invest in infrastructure as well as the industries of the future that will generate growth and jobs. This has had negative impact on Barnet residents – for example leading to higher energy bills and a greater need for Council support for those in poverty.
o Waste of the time spent on the needless Brexit process. This has had negative impacts on Barnet residents, such as higher grocery prices, according to research from the LSE.
o Waste of people’s lives, as the platforms that would help them achieve a better life – Sure Start, support for carers, a national skills agenda and a national programme to tackle child poverty - were abandoned. The decision of to remove the ringfencing of funding for Sure Start created strains on Barnet Council’s agenda in this area.
Council Believes:
· That the next Government needs to be honest with voters about what can be achieved and how quickly it can be achieved, even if it means sacrificing short-term popularity. · That the Government needs programme of ten-year renewal through five missions that will guide policy for the long-term to: o Get Britain Building Again o Switch on Great British Energy o Get the NHS back on its feet o Take back our streets o Break down barriers to opportunities o That such a programme will benefit the residents of Barnet by: o Reducing Housing Costs o Reducing Energy Costs o Improving Health outcomes o Reducing Crime and anti-social behaviour o Supporting local people to realise their full potential
Opposition Motion in the name of the Leader of Opposition Councillor Peter Zinkin A Litany of Broken Promises and Failure by this Labour Administration
Councillor Zinkin moved the motion in his name.
Debate ensued.
Votes on the motion in the name of Councillor Zinkin were recorded as follows:
For: 16 Against: 36 Abstain: 4 Absent: 7 Total: 63
The motion in the name of Councillor Zinkin was LOST.
Joint Motion In the names of Councillors Barry Rawlings and Peter Zinkin Thanking outgoing Chief Executive John Hooton
Votes on the motion in the name of Councillor Rawlings and Councillor Zinkin were recorded as follows:
For: 54 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 7 Total: 63
The motion in the name of Councillor Rawlings and Councillor Zinkin was CARRIED.
Council Notes:
· That John Hooton has decided to step down from his role as Chief Executive of the London Borough of Barnet. · That Mr Hooton has served the London Borough of Barnet with dedication and skill over the last ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Reports from Executive & Council Committees |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment & Climate Change - Highways Licence Charges PDF 229 KB Minutes: *Councillor Gordon left the meeting*.
The Head of Governance introduced the report which asked Council to authorise officers to implement the proposed changes (as set out in paragraph 1.5) to the charges for Highways Licences HW3, HW4, HW5 and HW6 with effect from 1 August 2024.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 37 Against: 15 Abstain: 2 Absent: 8 Total: 63
RESOLVED that Council authorises officers to implement the proposed changes (as set out in paragraph 1.5) to the charges for Highways Licences HW3, HW4, HW5 and HW6 with effect from 1 August 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve and note the Annual Report of the GARMS Committee for 2023/24 as an accurate record of the outcomes and work programme for the year.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 53 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent:8 Total: 63
1. Council to note and approve the Annual Report of the GARMS Committee for 2023/24 as an accurate record of the outcomes and work programme for the year.
2. That Council note that the GARMS Committee are due to consider the Annual Report at their meeting on 23 July 2024 and, if there are any substantial variations to the version reported to Council, that an updated version will be reported to Council on 15 October 2024.
Additional documents:
Minutes: *Councillor Grocock let the meeting.*
The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to note the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2023-24, subject to review and approval at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 18 July 2024; if relevant, any significant changes will be reported to Council on 15 October 2024.
Councillor Zinkin moved a motion to defer the report to the next Council meeting to ensure a thorough discussion is had on it. This was seconded by Councillor Greenspan.
Votes on the motion to defer the item were recorded as follows:
For: 16 Against: 35 Abstain: 3 Absent: 9 Total: 63
Therefore the motion was LOST.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 35 Against: 16 Abstain: 3 Absent: 9 Total: 63
1. Council notes the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2023-24, subject to review and approval at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 18 July 2024; if relevant, any significant changes will be reported to Council on 15 October 2024.
2. Council notes the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25.
Reports of Officers |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to note the councillor elected at the Barnet Vale By Election held on Thursday 4 July 2024 as set out in Appendix 1.
RESOLVED that Council note the councillor elected at the Barnet Vale By Election held on Thursday 4 July 2024 as set out in Appendix 1.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve the proposed changes to the Capital Strategy included within this report (specifically new Section 12 – Protocols for Managing Service and Commercial Investments and other minor amendments within the body of the strategy to reflect these protocols).
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 52 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 9 Total: 63
RESOLVED that Council approves the proposed changes to the Capital Strategy included within this report (specifically new Section 12 – Protocols for Managing Service and Commercial Investments and other minor amendments within the body of the strategy to reflect these protocols).
Report of the Monitoring Officer - Constitution Review - Contract Procedure Rules PDF 217 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve the Constitution amendments as set out in Appendices A track changed and B clean version and that Council authorise the Head of Governance to implement these revisions and publish a revised Constitution, noting that procurements commenced or delivered in advance of the Procurement Act 2023 effective date will continue to be subject to the January 2024 version of the Contract Procedure Rules (which references the Public Contract Regulations 2015).
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 52 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 9 Total: 63
1. Council approve the Constitution amendments as set out in Appendices A track changed and B clean version.
2. That Council authorise the Head of Governance to implement these revisions and publish a revised Constitution. Noting that procurements commenced or delivered in advance of the Procurement Act 2023 effective date will continue to be subject to the January 2024 version of the Contract Procedure Rules (which references the Public Contract Regulations 2015).
Report of the Monitoring Officer - Constitution Review PDF 151 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve the Constitution amendments as set out in Appendices A and B of the report and for Council to authorise the Head of Governance to implement these revisions and publish a revised Constitution.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 52 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 9 Total: 63
1. Council approve the Constitution amendments as set out in Appendices A and B.
2. Council authorise the Head of Governance to implement these revisions and publish a revised Constitution.
Report of the Head of Governance - Members Allowances Scheme PDF 184 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve the various recommendations as set out in the appendices attached to the report.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 52 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 9 Total: 63
1. That Council have regard to the recommendations of the Independent Panel on the Remuneration of Councillors in London as attached as Appendix A.
2. That Council approve the amended Members’ Allowances Scheme 2024/25 attached as Appendix B with effect from 1st April 2024.
3. That Council agree that Members will receive backdated payments to reflect the amended scheme.
4. That Council agree to apply an inflationary increase each year in line with the recommendations of the Independent Panel on the Remuneration of Councillors in London.
5. That Council note that following approval the Scheme, a notice will be advertised pursuant to Regulation 16 of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended).
Report of the Head of Governance - Administrative Matters PDF 143 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Governance introduced the report asking Council to approve the various recommendations as set out in the appendices attached to the report.
On the recommendations in the report being put to the vote, the votes were recorded as follows:
For: 52 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 Absent: 9 Total: 63
1. Council note and approve the change to the membership of the committee detailed in Appendix A.
2. Council note and approve the change in nomination to the Outside Body detailed in Appendix B.
3. Council note and approve the changes to the meeting dates outlined in Appendix C.
4. Council note and approve the following changes to the membership of the North Area Committee: · Councillor Baker will replace Councillor Barnes as a member of the Committee; and · Councillor Barnes will become a Substitute member of the Committee.