Agenda and minutes
Venue: Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, London NW4 4BQ
Contact: Salar Rida Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: Councillor Barry Rawlings, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources and Effective Council welcomed all attendees to the meeting.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Absence of Members (if any) Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Ross Houston, Cabinet Member – Homes and Regeneration.
Declaration of Members' Interests and Dispensations (if any) Minutes: None.
Questions from non-Executive Members (if any) Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillor Peter Zinkin, Councillor David Longstaff and Councillor Daniel Thomas to the meeting.
Questions were raised in relation to agenda items 10, 11 and 16 which were responded to verbally at the meeting by Cabinet Members.
Petitions (if any) Minutes: None.
Deputations (if any) Minutes: None.
Public Questions and Comments (if any) Minutes: None.
Matters referred to the Executive (if any) Minutes: None.
Consideration of reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Scrutiny sub-committees (if any) Minutes: None.
Our Plan for Barnet - Delivery and Outcomes Framework, Q2 2023-24 Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Barry Rawlings Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources & Effective Council introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
Noted the contents of Our Plan for Barnet – Delivery and Outcomes Framework, Q2 2023-24 Report.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Barry Rawlings Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources & Effective Council introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. The forecast outturn for 2023/24 against the Council’s revenue budget;. 2. The current use of reserves, 3. The expenditure against capital budgets in the year; 4. The current debt position.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb, Cabinet Member for Family Friendly Barnet. introduced the report and Officers joined the meeting to summarise the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
Noted and agreed the following; a. The Child Care Sufficiency Assessment report at Appendix 1. b. In March 2023 the Government announced that there will be an extension of the Free Early Years Childcare Offer for children under five and Primary School wraparound care for Barnet’s young people.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pauline Coakley Webb, Cabinet Member for Family Friendly Barnet. introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Approved a public consultation to be conducted on the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
2. Noted the Draft Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2027 (Appendix A).
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
LPS blocks - Silk House and Shoelands Court and wider area, Strategic Outline Case Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair welcomed Officers to present the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Noted the results of the resident engagement exercise contained in the Resident Engagement Report (Appendix C). 2. Approved the option to progress the redevelopment of Silk House and Shoelands Court up to planning submission and Outline Business Case. 3. Noted that this will be funded from the HRA 250 budget in accordance with the HRA 250 budget allocation as agreed at October 2023 Capital Strategy Board, and by the remaining One Public Estate budget. 4. Approved that Barnet Homes procure and appointment a design team within the approved budget to design a scheme up to planning submission for the redevelopment of Silk House and Shoelands Court, incorporating a study of potential enhancement opportunities in the wider area. 5. Approved the development of offers for the leasehold acquisitions and delegate approval of the offers to the Director of Growth in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes and Regeneration. 6. Approved the commencement of negotiations with leaseholders on the basis of the approved offers and delegate approval of the individual acquisitions to the Director of Growth. 7. Noted that in the event that agreement cannot be reached a further report may be submitted to seek a resolution to commence a Compulsory Purchase Order. 8. Delegated authority to the Director of Growth to take the necessary action to appropriate the land if this is considered necessary. 9. Noted the continuation of discussions with stakeholders within the wider area. 10. Approved the commencement of proactively moving tenants out of Silk House and Shoelands Court. 11. Delegated authority to the Director of Growth, in the execution of the above, to take account of the Equalities Impact Assessment which is to be carried out. 12. Noted the Exempt report and Exempt Appendix D Strategic Outline Case.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
LPS blocks - Stanhope and Holmsdale House Strategic Outline Case Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair welcomed Officers to present the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Noted the results of the resident engagement exercise contained in the Resident Engagement Report (Appendix C). 2. Approved the option to progress the redevelopment of Stanhope and Holmsdale House up to planning submission and Outline Business Case. 3. Noted that this will be funded from the HRA 250 budget in accordance with the HRA 250 budget allocation as agreed at October 2023 Capital Strategy Board. 4. Approved that Barnet Homes procure and appointment a design team within the approved budget to design a scheme up to planning submission for the redevelopment of Stanhope and Holmsdale House 5. Approved the development of offers for the leasehold acquisitions and delegate approval of the offers to the Director of Growth in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes and Regeneration. 6. Approved the commencement of negotiations with leaseholders on the basis of the approved offers and delegate approval of the individual acquisitions to the Director of Growth. 7. Noted that in the event that agreement cannot be reached a further report may be submitted to seek a resolution to commence a Compulsory Purchase Order. 8. Delegated authority to the Director of Growth to take the necessary action to appropriate the land if this is considered necessary. 9. Approved the commencement of proactively moving tenants out of Stanhope and Holmsdale House. 10. Delegated authority to the Director of Growth, in the execution of the above, to take account of the Equalities Impact Assessments which are to be carried out. 11. Noted the Exempt report and Exempt Appendix D Strategic Outline Case.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Great North Leisure Park (GNLP) and Finchley Lido Leisure Centre Outline Business Case Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Ammar Naqvi, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Arts & Sports introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations and noted the following amendments to recommendations 1, 2 and 5 which was approved by Members to read as below;
Recommendation 1: Note the results of the public consultation located in Appendix B and the exempt information.
Recommendation 2: Approve a new leisure centre to be redeveloped on the disused bowling green site (subject to planning and other consents) and approves progressing Option B as the preferred facility mix (table in section 1.32) subject to affordability.
Recommendation 5:
Delegate to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Arts & Sports authority to
consider and have regard to the current equality impact
assessment and the one to be obtained in finalising
matters and
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Noted the results of the public consultation located in Appendix B and the exempt information. 2. Approved a new leisure centre to be redeveloped on the disused bowling green site (subject to planning and other consents)and approves progressing Option B as the preferred facility mix (table in section 1.32) subject to affordability. 3. Noted that additional investment is required to deliver Option B and that a funding model which assesses the use of CIL and/or borrowing will be progressed, which may require re-profiling of existing capital commitments and/or prioritising revenue funding to support borrowing. 4. Approved the principle of the proposed Development Agreement to govern the delivery of the proposed new leisure centre and the variation of the headlease of GNLP as described in this report. 5. Delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Arts & Sports authority to consider and have regard to the current equalityimpact assessment and the one to be obtained in finalising matters and documents referred to in recommendation no 2 and 6 as appropriate. 6. Delegated the finalisation of the proposed Development Agreement and the agreement of any further legal documentation required in order to give effect to the matters contemplated in the Development Agreement, and entry into the consequent legal arrangements, to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Arts & Sports.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Minutes: Councillor Alan Schneiderman, Cabinet Member for Environment & Climate Change introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
Approved the decision to procure a lead retrofit
contractor through a Council approved procurement route for a
period of 5-years, with an option to extend for up to 2
Delegated the authority to appoint a lead
contractor and enter call-off contract(s), subject to the
completion of the procurement process, to the Director of
Delegated authority to the Director of Growth, to
extend the call-off contract(s) by up to a further 2 years, should
that be required. 4. Delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Estates and Decarbonisation to sign any Access Agreement as required by a framework provider and make the necessary arrangements to allow the Council to access a selected Framework Agreement as required.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Authorisation for the procurement of energy supplies & ancillary services Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Barry Rawlings Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources & Effective Council introduced the report.
Following discussion, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendations.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Noted the exempt information and approved the following actions: a) The Council’s participation in the LASER Energy Fully Managed Framework for the flexible procurement of natural gas, electricity & ancillary services for the supply period April 2025 to March 2029. The estimated total expenditure of the supply to be called off under the framework as noted in section 5.3 is approximately £39 million pounds over 4 years. b) Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to procure and complete gas and electricity supply contracts, via the LASER framework. c) Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive as part of the procurement process, to investigate and prioritise appropriately REGO backed (Renewable Guarantees of Origin) certified renewable electricity supplies, subject to affordability.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.
Cabinet Forward Plan - Key Decision Schedule Minutes: Cabinet noted the Forward Plan – Key Decision Schedule.
Urgent Business (if any) Minutes: None. |
Motion to Exclude the Press and Public |
LPS blocks - Silk House and Shoelands Court and wider area, Strategic Outline Case (Exempt) Additional documents:
LPS blocks - Stanhope and Holmsdale House Strategic Outline Case (Exempt) Additional documents:
Great North Leisure Park (GNLP) and Finchley Lido Leisure Centre Outline Business Case (Exempt) Additional documents:
Authorisation for the procurement of energy supplies & ancillary services (Exempt) Additional documents: