Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '2016-17 Highway Network Recovery Planned Maintenance Programme, LIP and Section 106 Qtr 3 Update'

  • Councillor Adam Langleben - - Councillor Brian Salinger declared a non-pecuniary interest as he owns an electric car. Councillor Salinger remained in the room for the consideration of the item and took part in the decision making process Councillor Adam Langleben declared non-pecuniary interest in regards to item 8 as he was a former governor of Colindale primary School. Councillor Adam Langleben remained in the room for the consideration of the item and took part in the decision making process
  • Councillor Brian Salinger - - Councillor Brian Salinger declared a non-pecuniary interest as he owns an electric car. Councillor Salinger remained in the room for the consideration of the item and took part in the decision making process Councillor Adam Langleben declared non-pecuniary interest in regards to item 8 as he was a former governor of Colindale primary School. Councillor Adam Langleben remained in the room for the consideration of the item and took part in the decision making process
  • Councillor Dean Cohen BSc (Hons) - - The Chairman Councillor Dean Cohen declared non-pecuniary interest in regards to item 8 as he is a governor of Menorah Foundation School. Councillor Cohen remained in the room for the consideration of the item and took part in the decision making process