Paper petition details

Funding for Barnet Schools

lobby the Government against any cuts to Barnet’s schools brought about by the new National Funding Formula which is due to be implemented in April 2018.

The National Funding Formula, as currently proposed, will re-distribute funding in a way that will mean most Barnet schools lose money.

This loss of funding is on top of rising staffing and running costs that schools face, and at a time when pupil numbers are also rising.

The cuts could result in:
• Increased class sizes
• Loss of teaching and support staff
• Less support for children and young people
• Fewer subject choices
• Fewer resources and out of school activities

We believe that funding for schools should be levelled-up, not down, to ensure that no school loses out, and we call on Barnet Council to make this argument to the Government loudly and clearly on behalf of local parents and children.

On reaching 25 signatures

This Paper petition was received on 06/11/2017.

2180 people signed this Paper petition.