Council decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

16/05/2019 - Amendments to the Housing Allocations Scheme ref: 7295    For Determination

That the proposed minor changes to the Housing Allocations Scheme be approved.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive

Decision published: 17/05/2019

Effective from: 16/05/2019

14/05/2019 - 48 Norrice Lea London N2 0RL - 19/1450/HSE ref: 7294    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/05/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 14/05/2019


The planning officer introduced the report which related to 48 Norrice Lea, London, N2 0RL


An oral representation was made for the applicant.


Following discussion of the item, the Chairman moved to vote on the recommendation in the cover report and the addendum, which was to refuse the application.


Votes were recorded as follows:


For -                0

Against -        7

Abstain –       0


Cllr Marshall moved a motion to approve the application subject to it being granted as a personal consent, the motion was seconded by Cllr Rich.


The reasons given for approving the application, against the officer’s recommendations, were as follows:

-       The Committee felt that the application was required for the safety of the applicant and his family. The Committee felt that by adding the condition of the application being a personal consent, this would avoid setting a precedent and affecting the character of the road.


Votes on approving the application subject to it being granted as personal consent were recorded as follows


For -                6

Against -        0

Abstain-         1


The Committee therefore RESOLVED to APPROVE the application subject to application being granted as a personal consent.



1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 1054.4GAP OS, 1054a HC GA existing, 1054 D100, 1054a HC GA proposed.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning and so as to ensure that the development is carried out fully in accordance with the plans as assessed in accordance with Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policy DM01 of the Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).


2.This development must be begun within three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


3. Within 2 months of the date when the premises cease to be occupied by Paul Eden and his family, the gates hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition.


Reason: To ensure the character and appearance of the house and the Hampstead Garden Suburb Conservation Area are protected in accordance with policy DM06 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).


4. The materials to be used shall be as specified in the application documents.


Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the building and surrounding area in accordance with Policy DM01 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted September 2012).




Wards affected: (Pre 2022)Garden Suburb;

14/05/2019 - Britannia House 960 High Road London N12 9RY - 17/6593/FUL ref: 7293    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/05/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 14/05/2019


The planning officer introduced the report which related to Britannia House, 960 High Road, N12 9RY.


An oral representation was made by the agent for the applicant.


Councillor Schneiderman proposed a motion to amend recommendation 1 to ensure that at least 2 of the social housing flats were 3 beds. This was unanimously agreed.


Councillor Ryde proposed a motion to include an amendment to condition 12 that all the front balconies are all opaque. This was unanimously agreed.


Following discussion of the item, the Chairman moved to vote on the recommendation in the cover report and addendum in addition to the amendments, which was to approve.


Votes were recorded as follows:


For -                7

Against -        0

Abstain -        0


The Committee therefore RESOLVED to APPROVE the application subject to s106 and the amendments agreed by the committee.


Amended condition 12:

a) Before the development hereby permitted is first occupied, details of privacy screens (minimum height 1.6 metres) to the north facing balconies at first and second floor level to be installed and details of opaque glazing to the balconies on the west (front) facing balconies shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


b) The screens shall be installed in accordance with the details approved under this condition before first occupation or the use is commenced and retained as such thereafter.


Wards affected: (Pre 2022)Woodhouse;

14/05/2019 - 55 Cranbourne Gardens London NW11 0HU - 19/1130/FUL ref: 7292    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/05/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 14/05/2019


*Councillor Shimon Ryde left the room for this item and did not participate in the vote.


The planning officer introduced the report and addendum which related to 55 Cranbourne Gardens, NW11 OHU


An oral representation in objection was made by Mrs Charlotte Kut-Grun

An oral representation in objection was made by Ms Debra Khan


An oral representation was made by the applicant.


Following discussion of the item, the Chairman moved to vote on the recommendation in the cover report, which was to approve the application subject to conditions in the report and the addendum.


Votes were recorded as follows:


For -    4         

Against -        0

Abstain –       2


The Committee therefore RESOLVED to APPROVE the application subject to conditions as per the officer’s report and addendum.


Wards affected: (Pre 2022)Golders Green;

14/05/2019 - Minutes of last meeting ref: 7291    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 14/05/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 14/05/2019


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2019 be approved as a correct record.


15/04/2019 - Land Adjacent 38 Needham Terrace London NW2 6QL 18/6874/FUL ref: 7286    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report to the Committee.


Mr James O’Sullivan spoke in objection to the application.


Ms Iris-Ann Stapleton spoke in objection to the application.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 4

Against (approval) – 3


Resolved – the application was APPROVED subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

15/04/2019 - Creighton House Creighton Avenue London N2 9BE 19/0622/FUL ref: 7287    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


Mr Michael O’Shea spoke in objection to the application.


The applicant was not present.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 5

Against (approval) – 2


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.

15/04/2019 - 47 - 49 Woodstock Road London NW11 8QD 19/0996/S73 ref: 7290    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum.


Reasons for the conditions were noted as per the addendum.


There were no speakers.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 4

Against (approval) – 2

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

15/04/2019 - 290 - 294 Golders Green Road London NW11 9PY 17/7568/S73 ref: 7288    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


Cllr Marshall left the room for this item.


The Planning Officer presented the report to the Committee.


There were no speakers – the application was deferred at the meeting of Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee held on 12 March 2019 at which two objectors and the applicant had spoken.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 3

Against (approval) – 0

Abstained – 3


Resolved – the application was APPROVED subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

15/04/2019 - 33 Ranulf Road London NW2 2BS 19/0965/FUL ref: 7289    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report to the Committee.


Ms Philippa Strauss spoke in objection to the application.


Mr Alfie Yeatman spoke in objection on behalf of a neighbour living adjacent to the property.


Mr Billy Patterson, agent for the applicant, spoke to the Committee.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.


15/04/2019 - 185 West Heath Road London NW3 7TT 19/0648/FUL ref: 7285    Refused

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report to the Committee.


Mr Steven Isaacs spoke in objection to the application.


Ms Linda Aitken spoke on behalf of several residents in objection to the application.


Mr Andrew Newington, the applicant, addressed the Committee.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 2

Against (approval) – 4

Abstained – 1


Cllr Ryde moved a motion to refuse the application on the grounds below and was seconded by Cllr Farrier:


The proposed development by reason of its size, siting, bulk and design would have an overbearing appearance which would be detrimental to the visual and residential amenities of the occupiers of surrounding properties and would result in overlooking of 183A West Heath Road leading to a loss of privacy detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of that property. The development would therefore be contrary to policies CS1 and CS5 of the Adopted Core Strategy 2012, policy DM01 of the Adopted Barnet Development Management Policies DPD 2012, the Adopted Residential Design Guidance 2016 and the Adopted Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2016.


The vote was recorded as follows:


For (refusal) – 5

Against (refusal) – 0

Abstained – 2


Resolved – the application was REFUSED.


Add the following informatives The plans accompanying this application are:


1)    The plans accompanying this application are:

1801 S 01 Rev - Existing Location and Block Plan;

1801 S 02 Rev - Existing Roof Plan;

1801 S 03 Rev - Existing Plans;

1801 S 04 Rev - Existing Front and Rear Elevations;

1801 S 05 Rev - Existing Side Elevations;

1801 AP01 Rev - Proposed Block Plan;

1801 AP02 Rev - Proposed Site Plan;

1801 AP03 Rev - Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan;

1801 AP04 Rev - Proposed Upper Ground Floor Plan;

1801 AP05 Rev - Proposed Upper Floor Plans;

1801 AP06 Rev - Proposed Roof Plan;

1801 AP07 Rev - Proposed Front Elevations;

1801 AP08 Rev - Proposed Rear Elevations;

1801 AP09 Rev - Proposed Side Elevations;

1801 AP20 - View from 183A Rear Garden;

1801 AP21 - View from 183A Rear Balcony;

1801 AP22 - View from 183A Rear Roof Terrace;

1801 AP23 - Green Wall example of proprietary system;

Tree Report - by Tretec; and

Planning Statement prepared by Michael Burroughs Associates; and

Sustainability Report prepared By Charlton Brown Architects.



2)    This is a reminder that should an application for appeal be allowed, then the proposed development would be deemed as 'chargeable development', defined as development of one or more additional units, and / or an increase to existing floor space of more than 100 sq m. Therefore the following information may be of interest and use to the developer and in relation to any future appeal process:

The Mayor of London adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charge on 1st April 2012 setting a rate of £35 per sq m on all forms of development in Barnet except for a £0 per sq m rate for education and health developments. This planning application was assessed as liable for a payment under Mayoral CIL at this time.


The London Borough of Barnet adopted a CIL charge on 1st May 2013 setting a rate of £135 per sq m on residential and retail development in its area of authority. All other uses and ancillary car parking were set at a rate of £0 per sq m. This planning application was assessed as liable for a payment under Barnet CIL at this time.


Please note that Indexation will be added in line with Regulation 40 of Community Infrastructure Levy.


Liability for CIL is recorded to the register of Local Land Charges as a legal charge upon a site, payable should development commence.  The Mayoral CIL charge is collected by the London Borough of Barnet on behalf of the Mayor of London; receipts are passed across to Transport for London to support Crossrail.


The assumed liable party will be sent a 'Liability Notice' providing full details of the charge and to whom it has been apportioned for payment.  If you wish to identify named parties other than the original applicant for permission as the liable party for paying this levy, please submit to the Council an 'Assumption of Liability' notice; also available from the Planning Portal website.


The Community Infrastructure Levy becomes payable upon commencement of development. A 'Notice of Commencement' is required to be submitted to the Council's CIL Team prior to commencing on site; failure to provide such information at the due date will incur both surcharges and penalty interest. There are various other charges and surcharges that may apply if you fail to meet other statutory requirements relating to CIL, such requirements will all be set out in the Liability Notice you will receive. You may wish to seek professional planning advice to ensure that you comply fully with the requirements of CIL Regulations.


If you have a specific question or matter you need to discuss with the CIL team, or you fail to receive a 'Liability Notice' from the Council within 1 month of any appeal being allowed, please contact us:


Relief or Exemption from CIL


If social housing or charitable relief applies to your development or your development falls within one of the following categories then this may reduce the final amount you are required to pay; such relief must be applied for prior to commencement of development using the 'Claiming Exemption or Relief' form available from the Planning Portal website:


You can apply for relief or exemption under the following categories:


1. Charity: If you are a charity, intend to use the development for social housing or feel that there are exception circumstances affecting your development, you may be eligible for a reduction (partial or entire) in this CIL Liability.  Please see the documentation published by the Department for Communities and Local Government at


2. Residential Annexes or Extension: You can apply for exemption or relief to the collecting authority in accordance with Regulation 42(B) of Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2010), as amended before commencement of the chargeable development.


3. Self Build: Application can be made to the collecting authority provided you comply with the regulation as detailed in the


Please visit  for further details on exemption and relief.



3 In accordance with paragraphs 38-57 of the NPPF, the Council takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals, focused on solutions. To assist applicants in submitting development proposals, the Local Planning Authority has produced planning policies and written guidance to guide applicants when submitting applications. These are all available on the Council's website. A pre-application advice service is also offered.


The applicant sought formal pre-application advice which was provided. Unfortunately the submitted scheme is not considered to accord with the Development Plan. If the applicant wishes to submit a further application, the Council is willing to assist in identifying possible solutions through the pre-application advice service.




15/04/2019 - Temple Fortune House Finchley Road London NW11 6XH 19/0759/FUL ref: 7280    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that Condition 2 was amended, and Condition 3 was removed, as per the addendum.


Ms Despina Mavrommati spoke in objection to the application.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.



15/04/2019 - Wellington Place Great North Road London N2 0PN 18/4897/FUL ref: 7284    Item Deferred

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


Cllr Marshall moved a motion to defer the application to seek legal advice in respect of a letter received from solicitors acting on behalf of residents. This was seconded by Cllr Rich.


The vote was recorded as follows:


For (deferral) – 7


Carried – the application was DEFERRED.

15/04/2019 - Arcade House Finchley Road London NW11 7TL 19/0078/LBC ref: 7283    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that Condition 2 was amended, and Condition 3 was removed, as per the addendum.


Ms Despina Mavrommati spoke in objection to the application.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.





15/04/2019 - Arcade House Finchley Road London NW11 7TL 19/0758/FUL ref: 7282    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that Condition 2 was amended, and Condition 3 was removed, as per the addendum.


Ms Despina Mavrommati spoke in objection to the application.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.





15/04/2019 - Temple Fortune House Finchley Road London NW11 6XH 19/0068/LBC ref: 7281    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that Condition 2 was amended, and Condition 3 was removed, as per the addendum.


Ms Despina Mavrommati spoke in objection to the application.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Abstained – 1


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.




15/04/2019 - Millers Yard Long Lane London N3 2QG 18/5511/FUL ref: 7277    Refused

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


Ms Jodi Newton spoke in objection to the application.


Ms Lisa Cheung spoke on behalf of the applicant.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 0

Against (approval) – 7


Cllr Rich moved a motion to refuse the application, seconded by Cllr Farrier,  on the following grounds:


The proposed replacement building, by reason of its increased floorspace would result in an increased intensification of the site and associated activities resulting in a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of local neighbouring properties, contrary to Policy CSS of Barnet’s Adopted Core Strategy (2012) and Policy DM01 of the Adopted Development Management policies DPD (2012).


The vote was recorded as follows:


For (refusal) – 7


Carried – the application was REFUSED.



  1. Plans

The plans accompanying this application are:

EX.01 (Location Plan & Block Plans)

EX.01 (Existing Plan)

EX.02 (Existing Elevations)

P.01 C (Proposed Plan)

P.02 C (Proposed Elevations)


Planning Statement

Planning Statement Addendum (dated 15/03/2019)


In accordance with paragraphs 38-57 of the NPPF, the Council takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals, focused on solutions. To assist applicants in submitting development proposals, the Local Planning Authority (LPA) has produced planning policies and written guidance to guide applicants when submitting applications. These are all available on the Council's website. A pre-application advice service is also offered.


The applicant did not seek to engage with the LPA prior to the submission of this application through the established formal pre-application advice service. The LPA has discussed the proposal with the applicant/agent where necessary during the application process. Unfortunately the scheme is not considered to accord with the Development Plan. If the applicant wishes to submit a further application, the Council is willing to assist in identifying possible solutions through the pre-application advice service.



15/04/2019 - 213 - 215 Golders Green Road London NW11 9BY 18/0579/RCU ref: 7278    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that Condition 6 was removed as per the addendum.


There were no speakers.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 7


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.

15/04/2019 - Menorah Primary School 1 - 3 The Drive London NW11 9SP 18/0216/S73 ref: 7279    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


Cllr Cohen left the room for this item.


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


It was noted that the conditions were revised in their entirety as per the addendum.


There were no speakers as the item was deferred from the meeting of Finchley & Golders Green Area Planning Committee held on 12 February 2019. The objectors and applicant had addressed the Committee at this meeting.


The Chairman moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation:


For (approval) – 6

Against (approval) – 0


Resolved – the application was APPROVED.

15/04/2019 - Minutes of last meeting ref: 7276    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2019 - Finchley and Golders Green Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/04/2019


Resolved – the minutes were APPROVED.

15/05/2019 - Authorisation for extension of the ECINS contract in Barnet ref: 7275    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks the authorisation of the Executive Director for Environment for the extension until 31st March 2022 for the ECINS case management system contract in Barnet in accordance with clause 22 of the current contract and the requirements of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.


Decision Maker: Early Intervention and Prevention Assistant Director

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 15/05/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

31/03/2019 - Sundry debt write offs under 5k March 2019 ref: 7274    Recommendations Approved

This report proposes the write off of individual sundry income debts of £5,000.00 or less, which are uncollectable for reasons provided in this report, with a total write off sum of £305,607.66

This report proposes the write off of individual sundry income debts of £5,000.00 or less, which are uncollectable for reasons provided in this report, with a total write off sum of £305,607.66

This report proposes the write off of individual sundry income debts of £5,000.00 or less, which are uncollectable for reasons provided in this report, with a total write off sum of £305,607.66

This report proposes the write off of individual sundry income debts of £5,000.00 or less, which are uncollectable for reasons provided in this report, with a total write off sum of £305,607.66

This report proposes the write off of individual sundry income debts of £5,000.00 or less, which are uncollectable for reasons provided in this report, with a total write off sum of £305,607.66

Decision Maker: Director of Finance & Section 151 Officer

Decision published: 15/05/2019

Effective from: 31/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);