Issue - decisions

Quarterly Performance Report

17/04/2019 - Quarterly Performance Report

The Chairman introduced the quarterly performance report which provided an update on the Committees priorities in the Corporate Plan 2018/19 addendum for quarter 3, including budget forecasts for revenue and capital, progress on activities, performance of key indicators and any high-level risks. 


The Chairman welcomed the new Assistant Directors to the Committee and thanked Matthew Kendall, who had moved onto another post, for all his hard work.


Officers confirmed that any underspends would not be ring fenced and would be used to help the Council’s overall financial position.


Following consideration of the report, the Chairman moved to vote on the recommendations as set out in the report.


The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to:

1.    Review the financial, performance and risk information for Q3 2018/19 and make any referrals to Policy and Resources Committee or Financial Performance and Contracts Committee in accordance with the terms of reference of these Committees.