Issue - decisions

Administration Motion in the name Cllr John Marshall - Finchley Road entrance to Golders Green Station

01/02/2019 - Administration Motion in the name Cllr John Marshall - Finchley Road entrance to Golders Green Station

Councillor John Marshall moved the motion in his name.  Councillor Kath McGuirk moved the amendment in her name.


The amendment in the name of Councillor Kath McGuirk was put to the vote. The amendment was unanimously AGREED.


The substantive motion as amended by Councillor Kath McGuirk was put to the vote. It was unanimously AGREED.




Council notes the Finchley Road entrance to Golders Green Station has been closed for many years. This has been an inconvenience for passengers. Increased passenger congestion at the station and in the forecourt needs to be ameliorated. 


Council instructs the Deputy Chief Executive to write to TfL requesting a meeting between LB Barnet, the relevant ward councillors, including Childs Hill, and TfL to discuss an early re-commissioning of this entrance.