Committee details

Adults and Safeguarding Committee

Purpose of committee

The terms of reference of the Adults and Safeguarding Committee including the following responsibilities:


(1)  Responsibility for all matters relating to vulnerable adults, adult social care and leisure services.

(2)  Work with partners on the Health and Well Being Board to ensure that social care, interventions are effectively and seamlessly joined up with public health and healthcare and promote the Health and Well Being Strategy and its associated sub strategies.

(3)  To submit to the Policy and Resources Committee proposals relating to the Committee’s budget (including fees and charges) for the following year in accordance with the budget timetable.

(4)  To make recommendations to Policy and Resources Committee on issues relating to the budget for the Committee, including virements or underspends and overspends on the budget. No decisions which result in amendments to the agreed budget may be made by the Committee unless and until the amendment has been agreed by Policy and Resources Committee.

(5)  To receive reports on relevant performance information (including The Barnet Group Ltd (Your Choice Barnet) performance) and risk on the services under the remit of the Committee.


Contact information

Support officer: Salar Rida - Email: - 02083597113.

Phone: 02083597113
