Agenda item

Review and Adoption of the Constitution


The Chief Executive introduced the item. Debate ensued. 


Councillor Alison Moore, seconded by Councillor Barry Rawlings, moved an amendment as follows:


To change the size of the following committees:


1. Reduce Policy & Resources to 11 seats

2. Increase to 11 seats the following committees:

·        Children, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding

·        Assets Regeneration & Growth

·        Adults & Safeguarding

·        Housing

·        Health Overview & Scrutiny


Votes were recorded as follows:


In favour: 29

Against: 31

Absent: 2

Abstentions: 0


The amendment in the name of Councillor Alison Moore was declared lost.


Council considered the report, and separate votes were taken on the recommendations.




1.    That Council agree that the Constitution be amended to incorporate the changes set out in this report and the track change versions attached at Appendix A to Appendix H.


Votes were recorded as follows:


In favour: 31

Against: 29

Absent: 2

Abstentions: 0




2.    That, subject to these amendments, the Council adopt its Constitution.


In favour: 31

Against: 29

Absent: 2

Abstentions: 0


Supporting documents: