Agenda item

Re-admission of the Press and Public: Announcement of the decision of the Sub-Committee


This is an application submitted under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence by Co-op, Churchfield House, 45-51 Woodhouse Road, Finchley, N12 9ET.


Mr Richard Arnot of Ward Hadaway Solicitors made the application on behalf of Co-op to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises from 07:00 hours until 23:00 hours Monday to Sundays and to allow the premises to remain open to the public from 07:00 hours until 23:00 hours Monday to Sundays.


No representations were received from the responsible authorities. Prior to the application, the applicant had been in discussions with the police in relation to the inclusion of CCTV conditions in their application in order to show the following agreed CCTV conditions:


Images shall be stored for a minimum period of 28 days and shall be made available in a reasonable time on demand to the Police and authorised Officers of the London Borough of Barnet

Images retained on the CCTV system shall be downloadable in an easily portable format

The CCTV system shall not be kept in such a place that it can be easily accessed by the public.

The quality of the images must be of a sufficiently high standard to allow

identification of the subject matter.

The quality of the images recorded by the system must be of a sufficiently high standard to allow identification of individuals

Cameras will cover key areas identified by the operator and the Police.  These will include clear headshots of persons entering the premises, the till area and the areas where alcohol is displayed for sale

At all times when the premises are open there shall be at least one person who is capable of operating the CCTV system if required to do so by the Police or an authorised officer of the London Borough of Barnet.


The Sub-Committee considered the written representations from a local business owner, Mr T Robinson of Robins News, 71 Woodhouse Road, London, N12 9ET which concerned the impact that this would have on local residents, in particular increased level of anti-social behaviour and nuisance and crime and disorder.  The Sub-Committee also considered the petition of local residents against Co-op’s application.


Based on both the oral and written information provided by the applicant in respect of the security measures, the Challenge 25 policy and nuisance and anti-social behaviour, and bearing in mind the concerns of members of the public, the Sub-Committee have decided to grant the application for a new premises licence under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 as follows:


To allow the sale of alcohol for consumption “Off” the premises from 07:00hrs until 23:00hrs Monday to Sundays.

To allow the premises to remain open to the public 07:00hrs until 23:00hrs Monday to Sundays.


In order to promote the licensing objective of prevention of crime and disorder, the Sub-Committee noted the CCTV conditions that were agreed by the applicant and the police, as detailed above.


The Head of Governance was instructed to inform all parties of the Sub-Committee’s decision.




All parties were advised of their right of appeal to Willesden Magistrates’ Court before the expiration of a period of 21 days.