Agenda item

Development and Regulatory Services (DRS); Selection of the Preferred and reserved Bidder as the Council’s Strategic Partner to form a Joint Venture to deliver the DRS Service


Cabinet received the report, which noted the outcome of the evaluation stage of the DRS Project and set out the full business case for accepting Capita Symonds’ final tender as the preferred bid, with reference to the Full Business Case, Equalities Impact Assessment, List of Principal Legislation and Evaluation Scores.


The Director for Place and the Commercial Director introduced the report. A number of points were raised by Cabinet Members.


  • Councillor Thompstone asked for reassurance that Capita would deliver services in line with the Council’s policies. Officers responded that there had been a full Equalities Impact Assessment which took into account the interests of both staff and customers, and that services would continue to be delivered with a mix of face to face services in addition to other access such as phone and online.
  • Councillor Cohen noted various concerns raised by his constituents including the process for road closures, the timing of annual highways maintenance, gritting requests and road safety initiatives, and asked how and where these services would be covered under the new arrangements.
  • Officers responded that road closures were covered in the output specification, that there was ability to ensure that highways maintenance was carried out at a time of year when it is most needed and that Street Scene would be managing gritting. It was noted that the Council would need to review its position on road safety initiatives and would then be able to direct the provider.
  • Councillor Hart sought clarification on the reference under 3.1 on page 4 of the report on ‘working with other service providers including Barnet Homes, the police and health authority’. Officers clarified that the health authority is the NHS and agreed to change this reference.
  • Councillor Hart asked for clarification on an apparent discrepancy between the reference on page 14 under paragraph 6.28 to Capita investing £250,000 in a Barnet Observatory, and the reference in Appendix A (page 6) to a ‘total investment’ in Barnet Observatory of £1.04m over 10 years. She also asked whether there were any KPIs to measure progress in this area. Officers clarified that the former figure related specifically to DRS contract, and that the latter figure to total investments across more than one contract.
  • Councillor Rajput asked about how the agreement would benefit adult and social services and help mitigate pressure on services in the context of increasing demand. Officers highlighted the initiatives working in partnership with Barnet Homes and the NHS, and noted that the business plans allowed for regular review to take account of demographic changes.
  • Councillor Rajput asked for reassurance that appropriate safeguards were in place to manage risks. Officers noted that a new commercial team in the Commissioning Group will be dedicated to managing risks. Governance arrangements in place, including the Partnership Board, the Strategic Partnership Board and Contract Monitoring Overview and Scrutiny Committee oversight were also noted. 
  • Councillor Tambourides asked how KPIs would be monitored over time to ensure the provider’s performance is assessed. Officers noted that there are several mechanisms in place to ensure this happened, including regular monitoring and reporting on KPIs by the Partnership Manager and officers and quarterly review by the Contract Monitoring Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair noted that the Business Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee had recently considered the report and asked a number of questions which officers would be responding to in the near future.


Having given due regard to the statutory equality duties and other considerations detailed in the report and enumerated by officers at the meeting, for the reasons set out in the Cabinet Members’ report,




  1. That Cabinet note the outcome of the evaluation stage of the Development and Regulatory Services project and accept Capita Symonds’ final tender (including subsequent clarifications) as the preferred bid, with reference to the Full Business Case (Appendix A), Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix B), List of Principal Legislation (Appendix C) and Evaluation Scores (Appendix D exempt);


  1. That Cabinet approve the recommended reserve bidder (including subsequent clarifications), as EC Harris;


  1. That Cabinet note the comments raised by the Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


  1. That Cabinet instruct the officers to take all necessary action to complete the formalities for the finalisation and execution of the contract;


  1. That Cabinet approve the formation of a Joint Venture Company with Capita Symonds Ltd and instruct officers to take all necessary actions; and


  1. That Cabinet approve the addition of £6.4m of investment to the capital programme.


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