Agenda item

Review of Capita Contracts


The Chairman introduced the report which provided the Committee with further updated on the review of council’s contract with Capita. It further set out the outcome of the public and best value consultation exercise undertaken between 19th December and 15th February 2019. Following consideration of the consultation outcomes the Finance and Strategic HR Services were successfully transferred back to the Council on 1st April 2019.


The report set out the proposal and business case for the following to be returned to the council subject to completion of the necessary financial due diligence;

·         Director of Place

·         Skill, Employment and Economic Development (SEED) team – within Regeneration Service

·         Safety, health and Wellbeing (SHaW) Service

Included was a further business case for strengthening the management arrangement for the Highways service.


With regards to issues relating to the Pensions Administration Service the Committee noted the proposed approach set out in the report. The aim, to ensure that in future the service is delivered to the required standard.


With regards to the review of the remaining services the proposals set out that this takes place along the year 6 (CSG) and year 7 (RE) contract reviews.


Councillor Barry Rawlings, duly seconded by Councillor Alison Moore moved the following amendment;


‘The Policy and Resources Committees deletes recommendations 3 – 11 and replaces them with;


3.         Agrees to terminate both contracts with Capita.


4.         Authorises the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make the necessary arrangements for service of the termination notice on both Capita contracts;


5.         Agrees all services covered by both Capita contracts are brought back in-house by the end of the notice period so that they are then fully subject to Barnet Council Committee decision-making and under direct management control of senior council officers;


6.         Authorises the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, to undertake and conclude all negotiations with Capita that are necessary to give effect to the decision to terminate the contracts.


7.         Instructs the HR Director to establish consultative arrangements including with staff and trade unions to support the successful implementation and transfer of services back to the council;


Upon being put to the vote the amended recommendations proposed by Councillor Barry Rawlings were declared lost. The vote was recorded as follows;









With regards to recommendation 11, the Committee agreed to the remove the reference to Year 6 and Year 7


Councillor Rawlings requested that a separate vote is taken on recommendations 6 and 7. The vote was recorded as follows: 









Upon being put the vote the remaining recommendations as set out in the report were agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Committee;


1.    Notes the outcome of public and best value consultation and updated Equality Impact Assessments.


2.    Notes the successful return of Finance and Strategic HR services to the council.


3.    Agrees that the Director of Place role and the Skills, Employment and Economic Development team from within the Regeneration service should be returned to the council, subject to the outcome of the necessary financial due diligence.


4.    Agrees that the Safety, Health and Wellbeing service should be returned to the council, subject to the outcome of the necessary financial due diligence.


5.    Authorises the Chief Executive to take the necessary action to conclude negotiations and effect the transfer of these two services.


6.    Notes the proposed arrangements to strengthen the management of the Highways service.


7.    Agrees that the Director of Finance should continue to work with Capita to achieve the necessary improvements to the Pensions Administration service.


8.    Instructs the Director of Finance to put appropriate measures in place to enable alternative service provision arrangements to be made for Pensions Administration, should the need arise, with a view to bringing a further report to Policy and Resources Committee in due course.


9.    Authorises the Deputy Chief Executive to review the future contractual arrangements with Capita for those staff involved in the management and governance of the Brent Cross Cricklewood (Brent Cross) development scheme.


10. Further authorises the Deputy Chief Executive to commence staff consultation on any proposed changes arising out of that review and to report the outcome of the review and consultation to the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee, for noting, in due course, with any decisions to be referred to Policy and Resources.


11. Agrees that the review of remaining services be carried out through the (CSG) and (RE) contract reviews commencing in the autumn of 2019, with terms of reference and progress being reported to the Financial Performance and Contracts Committee.  Any resulting recommendations would be made in a further report to the Policy and Resources Committee.


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