Agenda item

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy


Officers reported that the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 was one of the largest changes to housing and homeless legislation in recent times. The Act required the council to carry out a review of homelessness and produce a strategy based upon this evidence base.  At its June 2018 meeting the Housing Committee instructed Officers to prepare a draft strategy for consideration. This strategy summarised the findings of the review and sets outs the Council’s approach to tackling and preventing homelessness and rough sleeping in Barnet over the next five years, from 2019-2024.


If approved by the Housing Committee, the council would undertake a public consultation on the aims of the draft strategy with key stakeholders including housing associations, community and voluntary sector, tenants and residents. Housing Committee will then be asked to review the responses to the consultation and approve a final version of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.


At the request of the Chairman, Officers further elaborated on the role of the Homelessness Forum and the cooperation between partners. The whole

purpose was about being proactive and preventing homelessness in the first place.


It was also noted that the final strategy would be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Members raised the following issues:


Corporate Parenting


Members asked for some details about the support being given to care leavers with regard to supporting them into independent living, such as assistance with a rent deposit and information being more readily available.


It was explained that Barnet Homes were working closely with Onwards and Upwards and also the Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee.


Officers also explained that care leavers were given Band 2 priority, offered support on money management and sustaining a tenancy. There were also supported lodging schemes, supported accommodation schemes and Council Tax support.


With regards to rental deposit, there was discretionary payment assistance and charitable support.


Appeals Process


Members felt that if a resident was unhappy with a decision, the appeal and complaints process needed to be as clear as possible.


It was pointed out that people could still take an offer of accommodation whilst an appeal was ongoing.



Members sought clarification about services available.


Officers pointed out that the Homelessness Strategy and the Forum would assist to ensure services available were well disseminated. However, further suggestions were always welcome.


Officers also pointed out that services such as the Council, GP’s etc had a duty to refer people that were already homeless or at risk of homelessness. Such cases should be referred to:


Finally, Officers explained that Council departments worked collectively, with the emphasis now on prevention of homelessness.


One Offer Policy


Members asked where clear advice was available in terms of the one offer policy.


Officers replied that there was a 48hr period after offer for a resident to highlight any issues with the offer informally with Barnet Homes and if valid, these would be addressed outside the formal process for appeal.


There wasn’t an independent advice service, but the Authority strived to offer clear advice.


Rough Sleepers


Members asked for an update regarding rough sleepers.


Officers replied that rough sleepers often had the most complex needs and there was assistance available, such as supported accommodation and assistance with helping them back to work. It was vital not to rush things and to offer the right accommodation and support plan.


Finally, it was noted that Barnet had recently secured funding for a Rough Sleeper Coordinator and three support officers.


The Committee voted unanimously to agree the recommendations in the report.




1.    The proposed draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy be approved for public consultation;

2.    The results of the consultation, be reported back to Housing Committee on 1 April 2019, together with Officer recommendations and a revised strategy, if appropriate.










Supporting documents: