Agenda item

Finchley Police Station, 193 Ballards Lane, London N3 1LZ 18/2039/FUL


The Planning Officer presented the report and addendum to the Committee.


Dr Brian Coleman spoke in support of the application.


The registered speakers in objection to the application were not present/did not speak at the meeting.


Mr John Murch, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee.


The vote was recorded as follows:

For (approval) – 2

Against (approval) – 5


Cllr Farrier moved to REFUSE the application and was seconded by Cllr Marshall. The reasons for refusal:


1.     The proposed development, by reason of its height, massing, siting, scale, and density, would be an overdevelopment of the site and detrimental to the character and appearance of the streetscene and general locality. The development would be contrary policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the Mayor's London Plan (2016), contrary to policy DM01 of the Adopted Barnet Development Management Policies (2012) and Policy CS5 of the Adopted Barnet Local Plan Core Strategy (2012).


2.     The proposed development would provide inadequate parking to serve the development and in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a Travel Plan and associated monitoring, an extension to the Controlled Parking Zone and prevent residents from obtaining parking permits, would have a harmful impact on highway safety and the free flow of traffic. The development would be contrary to Policy DM17 of the Adopted Barnet Development Management Policies (2012) and Policy CS9 of the Adopted Barnet Local Plan Core Strategy (2012).


3.     The development does not make any provision towards affordable housing. The proposal would therefore not provide the maximum viable amount of affordable housing, contrary to Policy DM10 of the Adopted Development Management Policies (2012), the Adopted Affordable Housing SPD (2007), the Adopted Planning Obligations SPD (2013) and Policy 3.12 of the Mayor's London Plan (2016).


4.     The proposed development does not include a formal undertaking to meet employment and apprenticeship needs arising from the development. The proposal would therefore not address the impacts of the development, contrary to Policy CS15 of the Adopted Local Plan Core Strategy (2012), Policy DM14 of the Adopted Barnet Development Management Policies (2012, the Adopted Skills, Enterprise, Employment and Training SPD (2014), and the Adopted Planning Obligations SPD (2016).


5.     The proposed development provides inadequate outdoor amenity and  play space for future occupiers and does not include a  

 formal undertaking to mitigate this loss by contributing to off-site  

 amenity and playspace. The proposal would therefore not  

 address the impacts of the development, contrary to Policy 3.6 of the  

 Mayor's London Plan (2016), Policy CS7 of the

 Adopted Local Plan Core Strategy (2012), Policy DM02 of the Adopted

 Development Management Policies DPD (2012), the 

 Adopted Planning Obligations SPD (2016) and the Adopted Green

 Infrastructure SPD (2017).


6.     The proposed development does not include a formal undertaking to provide a contribution towards carbon off-setting to

achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions from the residential component of the development. The proposal would therefore not address the impacts of the development, contrary to Policy 5.2 of the Mayor’s London Plan (2016), Policy CS13 of the Adopted Local Plan Core Strategy (2012), Policy DM04 of the Adopted Development Management Policies DPD (2012), the Adopted Sustainable Design and Construction SPD (2016) and the Adopted Planning Obligations SPD (2016).



The vote was recorded as follows:

For (refusal) – 6

Against (refusal) – 1

Carried: the application was REFUSED.



Cllr Farrier then moved to DEFER the application to allow additional investigations/inspection and was seconded by Cllr Schneiderman.


The vote was recorded as follows:

For (deferral) – 3

Against (deferral) – 4

Resolved – the motion was lost.



Supporting documents: