Agenda item

Constitution Review


The Monitoring Officer and Head of Governance presented the Constitution Review report.  Following consideration of the report the Committee RESOLVED to:


1.    Recommend to Council that the Constitution be amended to incorporate the changes detailed in the report and in the amended versions the sections set out in Appendix A to Appendix I subject to the following amendments:


Ø  Section 1.5 be deleted


Ø  Table B, Authorisation and Acceptance Thresholds from Article 10 be added to the Contract Procedure Rules


Ø  Amendments to Article 9 (Chief Officers) be withdrawn and that the Monitoring Officer be delegated authority to make amendments to list various statutory officers


2.    Recommend to Council the deletion of the Budget and Policy Framework Rules as these have been subsumed into the revised Financial Regulations.


3.    Agree that the Monitoring Officer can use his delegated authority to amend the Constitution to make the changes detailed in section 1.4 of the report subject to:


Changes in the HR Regulations being amended to state:


“The Chief Executive has authority to make interim Chief Officer appointments for a period of up to a year following consultation with the Leader and the Chief Officer Appointments Panel. 


Chief Officer appointments made by the Chief Officer Appointment Panel will be reported to Full Council for information.”


Supporting documents: