Agenda item

Business Planning - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/20 and draft budget for 2018/19


The Committee considered the report and amended Appendix A as published.


Officers sought agreement of the Committee for a new recommendation to be added following recommendation 4 as follows:


‘Agrees to consult on allocating additional savings targets to Theme Committees in 2019/20 as per paragraph 1.7.6’.


This was duly agreed by the Committee.


A separate vote was taken on recommendation 5 in the report: ‘Agrees

that the savings proposals as set out in appendix B, subject to consultation and equalities impact assessment, come back to Policy and Resources Committee in February 2018 and Full Council for final approval of the 2018/19 budget in March 2018’.


On recommendation 5 being put to the vote, the votes were declared as follows:











A separate vote was taken on recommendation 6 in the report: ‘Agrees the changes to the existing Capital Programme as set out in section 1.9 and appendix C and D’.


On recommendation 6 being put to the vote, the votes were declared as follows:











The remaining recommendations in the report, including the additional recommendation following recommendation 4, were then put to the vote and were unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED - That the Committee:


1.    Notes the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to 2020 as set out at appendix A and the assumptions underpinning this in section 1.5;


2.    Agrees, subject to consultation and consideration of an equalities impact assessment, to apply a 3% Social Care Precept, to help fund care for the elderly as set out in section 1.5.11  in 2018/19;


3.    Agrees to consult on the use of the Council’s flexibility to change the level of General Council Tax in 2018/19;


4.    Agrees to consult on deleting and / or reducing schemes from the 2018/19 Capital Programme as set out in section 1.7;


5.    Agrees to consult on allocating additional savings targets to Theme Committees in 2019/20 as per paragraph 1.7.6;


6.    Agrees that the savings proposals as set out in appendix B, subject to consultation and equalities impact assessment, come back to Policy and Resources Committee in February 2018 and Full Council for final approval of the 2018/19 budget in March 2018;


7.    Agrees the changes to the existing Capital Programme as set out in section 1.9 and appendix C and D;


8.    Delegates in year capital financing substitution decisions to the Section 151 officer as set out in paragraph 1.9.11;


9.    Recommends to Full Council joining the London wide Business Rates Pool as set out in paragraphs 1.3.1 to 1.3.9.


10.Recommends that Council delegates responsibility to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee to agree the final deal as presented by London Councils in the form of the Memorandum of Understanding as set out in paragraph 1.3.7;


11.Agrees to delegate decisions to be taken in relation to the London wide Business Rates Pool’s Strategic Investment Pot to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee, as set out in paragraph 1.2.7;


12.Agrees the process for consultation as set out in section 5.7;


13.Agrees the movements in budget in 2017/18 as set out in section 1.11; and


14.Agrees the revised bad debt policy and bad debt write offs as set out in section 1.14 and appendix E.


Supporting documents: