Agenda item



The Chairman introduced the report and invited discussion.


Following consideration the committee voted unanimously in favour of approval of the report recommendations.




RESOLVED - That the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee:


1.    Approve the updated full business case for Tranche 3 Development Pipeline for the Council to dispose of the sites at Mount Pleasant, EN4 9HQ and Westbrook Crescent, EN4 9AP (the Sites) to Opendoor Homes a wholly owned subsidiary of Barnet Homes in accordance with the parameters of the updated full business case.


2.    Delegate authority to Deputy Chief Executive to dispose of the Sites to TBG Open Door Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of Barnet Homes, in accordance with the parameters of the updated full business case and pursuant to the Development Agreement dated 24 May 2017 together with authority to obtain any statutory or other consents required to dispose of this site under Housing Act 1985 and to use such of the general consents available for the disposal of the Site.


3    Resolve that the land is suitable for appropriation if necessary as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was originally held.


4    Approve the use of Right to Buy receipts to fund building works in advance of the proposed Loan Facility as described in Paragraph 1.10 below.

5.   Declare of the Sites which constitute Open Space land surplus to requirements and that, subject to the statutory advertisement and consultation, the Committee approve the disposal of such sites.

6.   Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to obtain any statutory or other consents required to dispose of the Sites both under Housing Act 1985 where the Sites comprise land held under the HRA and also under s123 of the Local Government Act 1972 where land is held in the general fund.  To delegate authority to use such of the general consents available for the disposal of the Site and where required to apply for consent to disposal to the Secretary of State.


7.  Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to appropriate for planning purposes or any other relevant purposes of land included in the Siteto enable disposal and  to facilitate the building of new homes in accordance with the planning permission and the Development Agreement and to take all necessary steps that may be required to ensure statutory compliance in order to dispose of the Site and to take all necessary steps that may be required to dispose of the Site.


8.  Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to implement the statutory advertising and consultation procedure in respect of any of the Site comprising Open Space land and if any objections are received to consider the same in consultation with the Chairman of the ARG committee and if then it is considered suitable; to proceed with the formal appropriation of the land to complete the disposal of the Sites.




That the Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee:


1.  Authorise the making of a compulsory purchase order to purchase the Pram Sheds at Sheaveshill Court, and as shown on Annex 2 to secure the delivery of Sheaveshill Court New Housing Development Scheme;

2   Authorise the appropriate Chief Officer to negotiate and complete a Compulsory Purchase Order Indemnity Agreement to ensure that TBG Open Door Ltd indemnify the Council for the full financial costs incurred in preparing, making and implementing the CPO.


3.  Authorise the commencement of all preparatory work required for the making of the CPO(s), including (but not limited to):

·         appointing a land reference company to review all relevant proprietary interests with a view to producing a draft schedule and plan for the CPO(s);

·         the service of requests for information notices under section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 on those who may be affected by the proposed CPO(s);

4.  Authorise the appropriate Chief Officer to issue and sign the order, notices and certificates in connections with the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO.


5.  Authorise the appropriate Chief Officer to issue and serve any warrants to obtain possession of property acquired by the Council following the execution of a General Vesting Declaration or service of a notice of entry relating to the CPO if it was considered appropriate to do so;


6.   Delegate authority to the appropriate Chief Officer to take any further necessary actions to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO.


Supporting documents: