Agenda item

Issues List with Responses


Minutes of the Hendon Residents Forum

24 January 2017

Members Present:

Councillor Sury Khatri (Chairman)

Councillor John Hart (Vice-Chairman)

  1. Petition to propose a new pedestrian Crossing in Langstone Way Mill Hill East NW7

The Forum received an oral representation from the lead petitioner Ms Irene Kahan who presented the petition. Ms Kahan highlighted the importance of a safe pedestrian crossing in light of increased traffic, the location and access to local amenities. Clear road safety marking ahead of the road crossing was also raised as an important issue so as to alert road users.


Following notification of the petition, the Chairman noted the issue and due to the risks associated noted that a Members’ Item (in his name) would be submitted to the next Hendon Area Committee meeting on 20th February 2017 reflecting the comments made above.


  1. Petition to Install CCTV cameras in West View footpath NW4


The Forum noted the oral representation from the lead petitioner Ms Aliza Medina who presented the petition. Ms Medina highlighted the issues as set out in the petition and the personal safety risks posed to residents and the local community who access the pathway.  Cllr Langleben was supportive of the Petition and comments made by the resident.


Following notification of the petition, the Chairman noted the issue and due to the safety concerns referred the matter to the Commissioning Director for Environment, Community Safety Team who work closely with the Metropolitan Police, to investigate the issues and respond to the resident within 20 working days.

  1. Petition - Path leading to a school gate – Broadfields Primary School


Following notification of the petition, the Chairman referred the petition to the Commissioning Director of Environment (Highways) to respond to within 20 working days.


  1. Petition - Deansbrook and Matilda Marks Kennedy Schools-20 mph scheme

The Forum noted the oral representation from the representative for the lead petitioner, Ms Attwell who spoke in objection to part of the proposals. Ms Attwell noted that the proposed removal of parking spaces and parking restrictions would displace parking of cars further up the street – causing further issues in that locality. She further stated that the proposals would present a disruption to residents due to the crossing on the road. In addition, the removal of trees would make the road more barren and not be in keeping with the rest of the area.

Following the consideration on the petition and the response provided by the Council, the Chairman noted the petition. The Chairman noted that the petition has been incorporated with the consultation responses and will be considered in reaching a decision on introduction of the proposals consulted on.

  1. Ayesha Community School in Montagu Road NW4

As the resident was unable to attend due to illness, the Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.

  1. Dangerous Pedestrian Crossing [Junction of Edgware Road & Colindale Avenue]

The Forum received an oral representation from Mr Patrick Jacob who introduced the issue. Susie Kemp, Interim Director of Strategy advised that currently a review of traffic was underway and of he estimated time scales and noted that this issue will be considered in conjunction with Transport for London and the on-going proposed development of the wider area.


Following consideration of the item and the response provided, the Chairman noted the issue and requested that the Commissioning Director for Environment (Highways) provide an update to the resident and the Chairman in 12-18 months’ time.


  1. 20mph speed limit


Having noted the issue and the response provided, the Forum heard from Mr Mr Richard Logue who introduced the item. He noted the need to consider long term solutions using 20mph speed limits as a measure to manage traffic and road user safety.


Following consideration of the item, the Chairman noted the issue and requested that the Commissioning Director for Environment (Highways) contact the resident within 20 working days to provide an additional response.


  1. Demolition notice


The issue and the response provided by the Council were noted by the Forum. An oral representation was provided by Ms Singh who spoke as a substitute for Ms McHale. Ms Singh spoke regarding a property at West Hendon, Vivian Avenue where no notice was put up in relation to the demolition works which has completed. She added that these raise serious Health and safety issues particularly as children and pets had easy access to the site. In addition, the demolition works had affected the neighbouring property structure.


Following consideration of the item, the Chairman noted the issue. The Chairman requested that the Commissioning Director, Growth and Development (Planning / Building Control) contact the resident within 20 working days to provide an additional response and update.  


  1. Traffic Lights – Station Road / A41 Junction

The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.

  1. Building works


Having considered the response provided, Ms Singh queried what measures can be taken to avoid damage to neighbouring property as a result of the demolition works.

Following consideration of the item, the Chairman noted the issue and instructed that the Commissioning Director, Growth and Development (Planning/ Building Control) contact the resident, Chairman and Councillor Adam Langleben within 20 working days to provide an additional response.

  1. Extension bus lane – A5 West Hendon Broadway


The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.


  1. Fly Tipping & Indiscriminate Littering [Numerous Locations]

The Forum received an oral representation from Mr Joe McKeever. Mr McKeever noted that since the introduction of the night tube, there has been an increase in litter being dropped. He also stated that two bins have been removed from the area.


The Chairman noted the issue and instructed that the Commissioning Director for Environment and the Street Scene Director consider this matter and contact the resident within 20 working days to provide a response.


  1. Trees and Pavements, Sunnyfield NW7

The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.

  1. Driveway Watford Way NW4

The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.


  1. Unsafe Pavements & Kerb Stones [Most Streets] - Sheaveshill Avenue


The Forum received an oral representation from Mr Jose Luis who highlighted the issues around the pavement slabs whose edges are displaced upwards causing a serious trip hazard to pedestrians.


The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.


  1. Hammers Lane Parking

The Chairman noted the item and the response provided by the Council.


  1. Zebra and Pelican crossing


Following consideration of the item, the Chairman noted the issue and the response provided by the Council.


  1. Pizza Hut, Mill Hill Broadway

Mr Richard Logue provided an oral representation and suggested relocation of the scooters. The Chairman noted the issue and stated that the issue is being considered by officers.

Following consideration of the item, the Chairman noted the issue and the response provided by the Council.

The Chairman thanked the residents and the Councillors for their contributions and attendance.



Meeting finished at 20.25


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