Agenda item

Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring 2016/17


The Chairman introduced the item and invited the Interim Strategic Lead for Programmes & Performance, Jamie Masraff to present the item.


Mr Masraff provided a verbal summary to the Committee about the progress for Quarter 2 against the Corporate Plan.


The Head of Customer Strategy and Programmes, Kari Manovitch updated the Committee about the positive direction of travel in terms of customer experience. She noted that the overall customer service ratings for this quarter are above targets and performing well.


Following a query from the Committee about improving usage of web forms, Ms Manovitch stated that figures shown are not fully reflective as this does not include all web forms used, only those that come under CSG responsibility.


Ms Manovitch spoke about the efforts undertaken to encourage use of web forms to increase online interaction. The shift in direction was also noted by virtue of data which showed an increase in usage of web forms and reduction of face to face/ phone calls.


The Assistant Director for Community and Wellbeing, James Mass provided an update to the Committee about the consultation due to be undertaken with the Director for Adult Social Services in Oxfordshire, John Jackson. Mr Jackson has been commissioned by Barnet to advise as to the review of the Adults budget, with a view to identifying solutions for long term sustainability. This will inform the Transformation Plan and the forthcoming performance monitoring report.


In relation to a comment from the Committee, Mr Mass noted that the Adults and Safeguarding Committee will receive a report on performance made in 2016-17 at its January meeting. It was agreed that this report be circulated to this Committee for information. (Action) 


Deputy CEO for Barnet Homes, Derek Rust updated the Committee about the demand for homelessness services. Mr Rust noted that households in temporary accommodation have decreased. The Committee heard that the focus will continue to be aimed at:

·         anticipating demand

·         early intervention and prevention of homelessness and

·         assisting families at an early stage.


The Committee noted the Corporate Risk Register and Risk Management Framework as set out in the appendices J and K. The Committee also noted that the Framework can be included in the Corporate Risk Register. It was noted that following a comprehensive review of the approach to risk management, a refreshed framework has been developed to set out the different risk management levels. Risk registers have also been updated as part of the review which are monitored on a quarterly basis.


The Chairman moved a motion, which was seconded and agreed, to amend the wording of recommendation 7:


The Committee approve the refreshed risk management framework, as detailed in Appendix K and note the Corporate Risk Register as detailed in Appendix J.


It was therefore RESOLVED that:


1.    The Committee scrutinised the performance and risk of services, especially in relation to delivering the Corporate Plan, and (if necessary) make recommendations to other committees on the policy and commissioning implications.

2.    The Committee noted the agency costs for Quarter 2 2016/17, as detailed in paragraph 1.5.

3.    The Committee noted the Quarter 2 2016/17 revenue budget and forecast position, as detailed in paragraph 1.8.

4.    The Committee noted the additions and deletions (which include virements) and approved the accelerations and slippages in the capital programme, as detailed in paragraph 1.9.

5.    The Committee noted the savings delivered in Q2 2016/17, as detailed in paragraph 1.10.

6.    The Committee noted the treasury position outlined in paragraph 1.24.

7.    The Committee approved the refreshed risk management framework, as detailed in Appendix K and noted the Corporate Risk Register as detailed in Appendix J.


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