Agenda item

Public Question Time (if any)


The following questions were received from Ms Reema Patel.



1.         At 4.5 the document states:-

“There is a risk that entering into a partnership contract to commission and or provide neighbourhood services directly with the BPG could result in challenge (s) being brought against the council. This risk has been mitigated by requiring the provider group to undertake a process since the last cabinet report that has enabled the council to test the strength of the provider proposal and also putting in additional support to all of the existing provider groups to ensure that they understand the nature of the relationship between individual organisations and Age UK Barnet in a lead provider model….” 


            Can the Council say:

·         What exactly the risk is (publishing the risk register) of challenges being brought against the Council?

·         How exactly the risk has been mitigated - including the process that has been undertaken to 'test the strength of the provider proposal'?

·         How the provider proposal has been assessed?

·         What the 'wider market implications' of this model will be?



  • Section 4 ‘risk management issues’ is a standard heading in all CRC reports; where potential risks are identified and considered, and the subsequent mitigations documented.  The risk of challenge is that we have sought a waiver to not use competitive tendering ; the rationale for this is described in sections 4.9 and 4.10 of the report. For the avoidance of doubt, there  has been  no challenge to the council.
  • Sections 4.4, 4.5, 4.6  of the report outlines how the council has engaged and worked with the Barnet Provider group and other stakeholders,  over a period of time, in drawing up the proposals for the neighbourhood service, and ensuring a thorough consultation. This will also serve to minimise risks of discontinuity in service provision.
  • Section 10.5 and 10.7 of the report describes how the neighbourhood proposal was tested; presentations were made to stakeholder panels, which undertook an evaluation and reached the conclusion that the proposals were sufficiently viable to put to CRC. 
  • Section 4.4 and 4.7 and 4.10 describes the work undertaken, such as the appointment of a critical friend, to ensure the providers fully understand the implications for their organisation of signing up to the proposal; including market implications. For example, the shift for voluntary organisations will include them working together, potentially sharing buildings, and back office resources etc.  At the expiry of the contract the council is likely to put the neighbourhood model out to competitive tender. 



2.         At 4.11 it is stated that there is a risk that the partnership will not offer value for money. How is value for money to be defined and is there a financial threshold set by the Council for determining that the partnership does or does not offer VfM after the three year period for the contract expires?





Section 4.13 explains that providers will be measured against a detailed outcome specification and section 6.8 describes  the measures that will be put in place to ensure value for money is obtained and volunteers retained. A baseline measurement will be used to monitor progress; and progress against this will be measured over the 3 years.


Item 15 - Sport and Physical Activity Review – Strategic Outline Case 




3.         “What is the Council doing to secure a legacy for disabled people in light of the recent success celebrated across London by the Paralympic Games?”



The review will be looking at the current and future participation rates of key target groups in the borough, one of which is those residents which have a disability. The review will provide recommendations as to how best to increase sport and physical activity participation and also how best to utilise the Councils existing resources for residents to achieve healthier and more active lifestyles.


There were supplementary questions as Ms Patel was not present at the meeting.

Supporting documents: