Agenda item

Integrated Prevention Plan


Dr Burnett presented the Draft Integrated Prevention Plan which set out the proposed partnership approach to improve health and well-being through various preventive actions aimed at reducing the incidence of avoidable ill-health.


Dr Burnett highlighted three points of interest; the Winter Well Programme – for which a bid was being made to the Department of Health for additional funds; Health checks – which were funded to 31st March 2013 but would require further funding from that date; Obesity – there was a need to decide how work on this issue would be addressed.


Dr Burnett also advised that the Draft Plan took account of the implications of a report by the London School of Economics and Political Science on the impact of untreated mental illness in people with physical health problems.


Bernadette Conroy commented on the importance of communication providing a basis for the effective delivery of targets.


Cllr Hart again drew the Board’s attention to the extremely low level of transitional funding available for Public Health in the Borough and the effect that this would have on our ability to provide meaningful programmes of health improvement, especially in the field of weight reduction. Cllr Hart stated that she would particularly like to see a meaningful programme for weight reduction in children.


Cllr Harper commented that it was essential for the Draft Plan to complement the Troubled Families initiative being undertaken by the Children’s Service.


Ceri Jacob suggested that a mental health objective could be included under each of the themes identified in the Plan.


The Board considered the importance of having good working relationships with academies and independent schools to achieve the Draft Plans objectives noting that these schools could be commissioned by the Board to deliver activities identified in the Plan.


Cllr Rajput commented on the difficulty of engaging employers to deliver activities targeted at adults noting this could be potentially more difficult than targeting young people in schools.


Kate Kennally drew the Board’s attention to paragraph 10.7 in the cover report noting the timelines for the detailed Implementation Plan to be brought to the Board in early 2013 by the newly appointed Joint Director of Public Health, Dr Andrew Howe. Kate Kennally informed the Board that finance and budget planning would be considered by the council’s Cabinet at their 7th November meeting and requested that CCG colleagues support the budgeting process by helping to bring forward information from NCL relating to their commissioning intentions. The Board noted that a communications plan should be developed to support the delivery of the implementation plan.


Finally, Cllr Hart, as Chairman of the Board thanked Dr Burnett for all his sterling work as Director of Public Health and his service to the residents of Barnet over the last decade.


Resolved that:


  1. The Board notes the Draft Plan.
  2. A communication plan be produced to support implementation.
  3. The Board notes the work of Dr Burnett as Director of Public Health and the work he has done for Barnet over the past decade.



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