Agenda item

Members' Items (if any)


The Committee considered a number of Members Items which sponsored applications to the Chipping Barnet Area Committee Budget in accordance with the revised Area Committee Budget processes agreed in July 2015.


The applications were received and considered as follows:





Arts Against Knives (Appendix A)

RESOLVED that funding of £9,999 be allocated from the non CIL budget, subject to full funding (£30,120) being secured for the project

For: 4

Against: 3

Barnet Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (Appendix B)

RESOLVED that funding of £9,999 be allocated from the non CIL budget.

Agreed unanimously

Community Barnet - Public Health Social Isolation Tool Kit (Appendix C)

RESOLVED that funding of £7,022 be allocated from the non CIL budget

For: 4

Against: 3

East Barnet Festival (Appendix D)

RESOLVED that funding of £1,600 be agreed

Agreed unanimously

Friern Barnet Community Library (Appendix E)

RESOLVED that funding of £2,500 be allocated from the non CIL budget, subject to a report back to this Committee on how funds are being utilised and the course take up

Agreed unanimously

Play Streets (Appendix F)

RESOLVED that the application for funding be refused

For (Approval) 3

Against (Approval) 3

Abstained 1

The Chairman used his casting vote to refuse the application

West Road Private Gates (Appendix (G)

RESOLVED that the application for funding be refused

For (Approval) 1

Against (Approval) 3

Abstained 3

Urgent Late Item of Business – –Woodside Park Garden Suburb Residents Association

RESOLVED that funding from the non CIL budget be allocated for £9,650, subject to maintenance costs not being met by the Council




Supporting documents: