Agenda item

Domestic Homicide Review Update (exempt)


The Chairman moved a motion to exclude the press and public.

Only statutory partners stayed for the discussion of the exempt item.


Dawn Wakeling introduced the report and outlined the implications on how Barnet has dealt with domestic violence and abuse. The main themes that have emerged within this domestic violence and abuse case have been cultural issues, older women, carers issues and GPs not submitting all the necessary information.


The Board RESOLVED the recommendations:


2.1 The SCPB noted the approach taken to complete the DHR.


2.2 The SCPB noted the Overview Report (Appendix 1) and the recommendations and action plan (Appendix 2).


2.3 The SCPB noted that the full DHR process has been completed and Quality Assured by the Home Office and noted that the report has been published on the Safer Communities Partnership Web page of the Council as per the Home Office guidance. The Board agreed that comments would be submitted by partners by Friday 5 February and the report would be published on Monday 8 February.



2.4 The SCPB noted the report and agreed the publication of the report, where this is not possible, agreement should be reached as to the reasons as set out in the guidance in the Home Office. The Board agreed that following the submission of any comments by Friday the report would be published on Monday 8 February.


2.5 The SCPB members to confirm their commitment and support to ensuring the recommendations and actions set out in appendix 2 of this report, relating to their respective organisations are followed through, ensuring operational support is in place and a key point of contact is tasked to update the DV and VAWG Delivery Board on progress of the actions. The Board agreed the recommendation.


2.6 The SCPB agreed and noted that the DV and VAWG Delivery board will be delegated to ensure the recommendations are followed and actions pertaining to the DHR are delivered. The Board agreed the recommendations and that specific officers would be part of the board and would be responsible to implement the actions.


2.7 The SCPB noted that the DHR Review Panel was unable to obtain IMRs from the relevant GPs and consider writing to the Home Office to highlight this gap and the need for a resolution to avoid this situation occurring in future.

There appears to be a need for a Pan London approach for obtaining GP reports for DHRs (such as a central unit or cohort of suitably knowledgeable independent authors who could be called upon to facilitate the necessary exchange of information and writing of reports). The Board agreed the recommendation.


2.8 That the Chair of the SCPB write to the Solicitors Regulation Authority Director of Regulatory Policy to request that amendments are made to the code of ethics (or at least that guidance is issued), which would provide a clear pathway for solicitor's to assist with providing information for Domestic Homicide Reviews where their client's death has met the statutory requirement to undertake such a Review under Section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. The Chair agreed to the recommendation and particularly agreed to request that amendments are made both to the code of ethics and guidance.


2.9 The SCPB noted recommendations set out in 4.3 of this report that request the partnership to consider how they publicise and communicate DVA services to older victims.





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