Agenda item

An update on the review of Area Committee Actions (2015-2016)


The Chairman introduced the report which sets out a review on actions and matters raised at previous area committee meetings. The Committee noted the report and the progress update along with the work programme at appendices 1 and 2 of the report.


Having considered the report the Committee:




1.    That the Committee noted the update and actions set out in Appendix 1 of this report.

2.    That the Committee noted and agreed the forward plan attached as Appendix 2 of this report.

3.    In the matter of introducing parking controls in Colney Hatch Lane and Friern Village Estate to overcome the reported inconsiderate parking:

·         That the Committee noted the update provided in appendix 1.

·         That the Committee agreed the expenditure of £10,000 to undertake statutory consultation on parking control proposals in November 2015.

·         In the event that no objections to the statutory consultation are received, or where objections are received, Officers are able to resolve any such objection(s), that Officers be authorised to implement the measures through the making of the relevant Traffic Management Orders;

·         That a further report on the outcome of the statutory consultation is provided to the January 2016 Chipping Barnet Area Committee meeting.

4. In the matter of assessing parking provision in Chipping Barnet Town Centre (Parking Bay occupancy) to assess if it is adequate:

·         The Committee noted the update provided in appendix 1.

·         The Committee noted that a survey to assess parking capacity was undertaken in March 2015, the results of which will be reported to the January 2016 Area Committee.

5. In the matter of taking steps to reduce speed on Manor Drive, Whetstone raised by Cllr Lisa Rutter:

·           The Committee noted the update provided in appendix 1.

·           That the Committee agreed the expenditure of £15,000 for the installation of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) to monitor traffic speed in Manor Drive for a period of 6 months, with officers analysing the data.

·           That the findings are reported to a future meeting of this Area Committee in 2016 and this item added to the 2016/17 Chipping Barnet Area Committee Work Programme.

6. In the matter of the request from The Avenue EN5 / Alson Road – Pedestrian improvement:

·         That the Committee noted the update provided in Appendix 1.

·         That the Committee noted the progress update and alternative proposals will be reported to the October 2015 Area Committee meeting.

7. In the matter of the request from the High Barnet Town Team to build out the pavement to create a more welcoming public realm:

·         That the Committee resolved to defer the recommendations until item 4 (above) has been concluded as the Chairman understood from Highways that the proposed paving build out would result in the loss of up to 9 car parking spaces on the High Street. The Chairman and Councillor Stock both raised concerns relating to the £20,000 cost of the assessment which they were of the view could be spent on more pressing area environment priorities.     

8.  That the Committee noted the Work Programme outlined in Appendix 2 of the report and further noted that this Committee will have a standing Work Programme Item on every future agenda.


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