Agenda item

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment


The Chairman welcomed the report on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment which covers the current need for pharmaceutical services and the future need over the coming three years in Barnet.


The Chairman noted the statutory responsibility of the Health and Well-Being Board to undertake a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment by virtue of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


Following a query from the Board, Dr Howe noted the importance of improving access to advanced pharmaceutical services. Dr Andrew Howe informed the Board about the recommendations in the report, mainly for NHS England, which consider the access to pharmaceutical services across the Borough, the location of pharmacies, their opening hours and the services being delivered.


It was also noted that due to the potential increase in local population size and demand over the next three years, there may be a need for up to two further pharmacies providing essential services and that opening hours could be improved through extended opening hours and weekend opening.


Dr Clare Stephens stated that NHS England has a role to consider pharmacy facilities as part of all building programmes. Dr Howe agreed to raise this at a planning group meeting (Action).


RESOLVED that the Health and Well-Being Board notes the report and the appendices and approves the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for publication on the Council’s website as required by the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


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