Agenda item

Better Care Fund - Pooled Budget progress


The Chairman introduced the item on the progress of the Pooled Budget of the Better Care Fund (BCF) which provides an update on the timetable for quarterly reporting of the BCF and the financial risk in the pay for performance element of the fund.


The Chairman welcomed the report and thanked the officers for their contribution to the positive progress that has been made towards the BCF pooled budget.


The Commissioning Director (Adults and Health), Dawn Wakeling, briefed the Board about the contents of the report. Ms Wakeling noted that since the last meeting of the HWBB, both organisations (the Council and Barnet CCG) have received endorsement from their governance bodies namely LBB Policy and Resources Committee and Barnet CCG Audit Committee to enter into a pooled budget. Ms Wakeling noted that there is early evidence of the positive impact of the integrated care services. Ms Wakeling explained that there are plans to roll out the Barnet Integrated Locality Team (BILT) to the west of the borough from the end of September.


It was noted that the HWBB will be required to sign off the quarterly reports prior to formal submission to NHS England and that reporting will be primarily based on the Barnet Part 2 template of the BCF submission. Due to timescales, the reports will be reported to the Board in retrospect having been signed off by Councillor Hart and Dr Debbie Frost. The Chairman asked for the reports to include RAG ratings, the Board endorsed the request for the reports to include RAG ratings.


Ms Wakeling also informed the Committee about the information pertaining to the key metrics which will be presented to the HWBB on a quarterly basis.


Following queries from the Board, Ms Wakeling informed that in developing the BCF model, several engagement projects have been implemented involving service users and the voluntary sector. Furthermore, BILT will work to ensure that there is better participation across organisations.


The Board also noted the impact of the Government commitment for seven day NHS working - a number of social care services are already available at weekends and in the evening but consultant coverage in hospitals will need to be considered. Dr Charlotte Benjamin explained that GPs are exploring network working to ensure increased quality and good coverage.


The Board discussed the national issue of sustainable funding for social care. Ms Wakeling stated that there is a proportion of the BCF for protecting social care and future arrangements for the BCF will be communicated from Government in due course and communicated to the HWBB.




  1. The Health and Well-Being Board notes the progress in in establishing the pooled budget fund between London Borough of Barnet and Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group.

  2. The Health and Well-Being Board notes the timetable for Better Care Fund (BCF) quarterly reporting and agrees that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Health and Well-Being Board continue to sign off progress reports, which will include RAG ratings, to NHS England.

  3. The Health and Well-Being Board endorses the approach to address the identified potential financial risk.


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